Exploring, accessing and understanding the world through language and literature.
- Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils in the subjects of English Language, English Literature and Drama.
- Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skill within language, and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations such as further education, work placements and functional skills.
- Support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development by considering a range of texts from different time periods, perspectives, cultures and topics to shape our own understanding.
- Promote a positive attitude towards learning through promoting academic curiosity and a passion for literature which will inform and develop our own craft as writers.
- Ensure equal access to learning in English and Drama, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support to enable pupils to each fulfil their potential and actively engage with the subject.
- Develop pupils’ independent learning skills and resilience, to equip them for further/higher education and employment
English & Drama
The study of English and Drama is diverse and explores many different perspectives, issues, and themes, societal and cultural factors. It is through this study that we are able to meet the needs of our students and ensure that it is a well-considered and thoughtful curriculum. The faculty has a clear vision of ‘Rising Tides’ and truly believe that work should always be academic and challenging, and the steps to reach these objectives should change, but not the initial aims themselves. It is through this concept that we ensure that all students are set with high expectations, facilitated by experienced and invested practitioners.
Live Productions
Within the English and Drama department, we believe in allowing students to see live productions of key texts where possible. We try to offer as many live theatre trips as possible across KS3 and KS4, with productions at Birmingham Repertory Theatre and the Hippodrome and the RSC live broadcast.
Broad Curriculum
The aim within our faculty is to teach an inspiring and broad curriculum that exposes students to a rich cultural bed of literature and language that will allow them to succeed in functional English and as English academics.
Due to the change in nature of results in 2020, we thought it best to highlight our success by using the previous year’s results. Students at Dame Elizabeth who achieved the coveted 4+ result was 86%, beating the national average of 74% considerably. This is a clear indication of the strategies and clear and focused subject knowledge of the English department. This is even more evident in the 7+ score of 27% again beating national average of 21%. Our ethos of rising tides, ensuring that all pupils were given a high level of academic and supportive education.