Student Responsibilities
Attendance & Punctuality
Students are responsible for making sure that their attendance and punctuality is maintained at the highest level.
Dress Code
As leaders of learning sixth form students will appreciate that appearance creates a learning environment which is conducive towards a positive working atmosphere. The student agreement, which encompasses the duties and responsibilities sixth form students have within school, includes adhering to the smart dress code.
Sixth Form Dress Code
Examples and Guidance Below

Headphones and mobile phones are not permitted either in lessons or around the school building. Sixth Formers are role models to our younger pupils, therefore must conduct themselves in a sensible and calm manner around the school building.
During break and lunch time, headphone and mobile phones may be used, with sensible usage in mind i.e. not on show to main school pupils and not taking photos of others and posting on social media.
Ball games are only permitted during lunch time- which should take place behind the Sports Hall or in the Gym.
Sixth form students are expected to study during non-contact time, therefore the common room is for before school, break-time, lunch time and after school use only. At all other times students should be in lessons, or in the library.
Conduct in the library must be exemplary. Younger pupils will be in the library, and the sixth form students must model correct usage and work ethic.
Conduct in the common room must also be exemplary- pupils must look after their space, be respectful of all equipment and of keeping the common room litter-free.
Sixth formers are expected to meet all deadlines. When deadlines are not met, they will be issued with a sanction in order that they catch-up on the work as necessary. Continual failure to meet set deadlines will result in a review of their place at DEC sixth form, in line with whole school policy.
Sixth form students are expected to be well equipped for their learning - folders must be well organised (in line with subject folder list) and they must have the necessary equipment for their lessons, as outlined above.