Contact Details:
Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, Woodbrooke Road, Bournville, B30 1UL Telephone: 0121 464 4040 Email: Website: Twitter: @followDECTC Deputy Headteacher: Mr C Seager Enquiries regarding the school can be sent to the above email address. Our SENCO, Ms B Greene, can also be contacted via the links above. Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School is now a member of the Matrix Academy Trust. Details and contact information for the Trust can be found at Arrangements
The School Admissions Policy can be found at About > AdmissionsLatest Ofsted Report
The latest report can be found HEREKey Stage 4 Results
The information below is updated from the validated results.
- Progress 8: -0.15
- Attainment 8: 44.7
- % of pupils achieving a standard pass (9-4) in English and Maths: 63%
- % of pupils achieving a strong pass (9-5) in English and Maths: 45%
- % of pupils entered for English Baccalaureate: 49%
- Average EBACC point score: 3.96
Key Stage 5 Results
- Average A level grade: C-
- Applied General Average Grade: SUPP
- Average English Progress: N/A
- Average Maths Progress: N/A
- Provisional Value Added Score for Academic Subjects: N/A
- Provisional Value Added Score for Applied General Subjects: N/A
Further results information can be found on the School Performance Tables published by the Department for Education:
Curriculum Information
Our teaching programmes and assessments reflect the content and challenge of the National Curriculum. At Key Stage 3 pupils take the following subjects: English, mathematics, science, art, geography, history, computing, modern foreign languages (French, German and Spanish), music, PE, PSHE (delivered via a rolling hour each week within the school timetable), religious education, design and technology. Selected pupils also follow the Lexia reading scheme. At Key Stage 4, starting in year 10 pupils follow a personalised pathway. All pupils take the core subjects of Maths, English language, English literature, PE (not examined), PSHE RE (delivered via topic days) and Combined Science (double award) OR separate sciences (biology, chemistry, physics). Nearly all pupils with be entered for the EBacc (English Baccalaureate); they will study the above subjects and History or Geography (or both) and French, German or Spanish. All pupils have the opportunity to study from the following huge range of subjects - details of these can be found HERE The full list of Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 qualifications we currently offer is available HERE Information about Key Stage 5 courses can be found in our Sixth Form menu.Careers Programme
Our careers programme information can be found HERE.Behaviour Policy
The school behaviour policy (including rewards) can be found on our Publications > Policies page HEREAccounts & Funding Agreement
Please click here to view our Accounts and Funding Agreement information.Pupil Premium including Recovery Premium
Click Here.SEND
The SEND policy can be found HERE Further information on our SEND provision can be found on our SEND Report (May 2022) HERE. Full details of the Birmingham Local Offer can be found on SENDCO:- Ms B Greene
- 0121 464 4040
The Chair of Trustees of Matrix Academy Trust can be contacted via or 01922 211 264. Governance information can be found at About > Governance.Complaints & Whistleblowing
The Trust Complaints Policy and Whistleblowing Policy can both be found HERECharging and Remissions Information
The Charging and Remissions Policy is part of our Financial Procedures manual - the relevant extract can be HEREEthos & Values
At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury, we want pupils to grow and develop academically, socially and personally so that they leave us able to proceed into adulthood as confident, qualified people with a strong sense of self-discipline, proper regard for authority and able to establish maintain positive relationship with others from all walks of life. We want all of our students to go on to lead happy, healthy and successful lives, with a career and continuing drive to be the best that they can be and to always make a positive contribution to their community. Every Child Matters is embedded within the ethos and culture of our Pastoral Care. We aim to provide outstanding support and motivation for pupils by regularly analysing, discussing and targeting their academic progress. In addition, we aim to provide exemplary care for students experiencing challenges, enabling them to overcome barriers to learning quickly and effectively. We have very high expectations of behaviour, attendance and punctuality and expect students, parents and all staff to share and support these expectations at all times. At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury we aim to facilitate:- A safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment
- An ethos and culture where students to be well known, valued and respected
- A ‘telling’ school - An open and honest environment in which everyone communicates openly. All pupils feel safe and confident in reporting any issues or concerns to members of staff, prefects and/ or the anti-bullying ambassadors.
- A consistency in response to both positive and negative behaviour
- Outstanding support and motivation for pupils by regularly analysing, discussing and targeting their academic progress
- Early, appropriate and impactful intervention
- A culture of praise and encouragement in which all pupils believe they can achieve
- A positive relationship with parents and carers to develop a shared approach and responsibility for every child’s progress and the implementation of the school’s policies and procedures