Welcome to Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School

Mr J.Till | Headteacher

We are focussed on every individual reaching their full potential, with a no excuses culture. Accessing a course at a top university, a highly sought-after apprenticeship or entering employment with training is the norm for our pupils. 

Whilst progressive in much of what we do we are very traditional with regards to discipline, manners and respect. Our expectations are high and this will always be the case. We know from experience that setting the bar high pushes everyone in the school community to achieve great things.

We also recognise that academic success alone is not the only aim of our work. Developing qualities and values that will allow your child to succeed in future endeavours is an equally important outcome. Opportunities outside the taught curriculum are plentiful and we encourage all to fully embrace everything the school has to offer.

Chris Seager

Head of School

I am delighted and proud to welcome you to Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School where Respect, Aspire, Believe, and Commit form the cornerstone of our values and ethos.

Respect is the foundation upon which our school community thrives. We embrace diversity and value each individual, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard, understood, and appreciated.

Aspire drives us forward, encouraging each member of our community to set ambitious goals and pursue excellence in all endeavours. We believe in the power of dreams and the importance of nurturing aspirations

Believe is the belief in oneself and others. We instil confidence and resilience, teaching our students to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of challenges.

Commit is the dedication to supporting one another, fostering a spirit of collaboration and teamwork. Whether it's in subject curricular, extracurricular activities, or within the community, we encourage our students to give their best effort and remain resolute in their pursuit of excellence.

At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, these values are not just words on a page but principles that guide our actions every day.

Mr C Seager

Head of School




Members of Staff




Dame Elizabeth

Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School converted to academy status in October 2016 and joined the Matrix Academy Trust. The Trust was selected after a consultation process with all stakeholders as Matrix Academy Trust share our values and vision.
We have: A shared belief that no child should fail. A commitment to improving life chances of all pupils through outstanding teaching. A belief that deprivation is not an excuse for underachievement. The belief that the sharing of ideas will result in improved pupil achievement. Opportunities for staff to coach and support each other through enhanced CPD. Financial benefits with increased economies of scale. New technologies used to develop innovative learning techniques to raise pupil achievement. The ability to create leaders of the future, in staff and pupils.  

For further information on the Trust can be found on their website www.matrixacademytrust.co.uk.


Performance Tables

Latest Ofsted Report