Antibullying Week and Odd Socks Day - 12th November
If you walked around School on 12th November you will have seen an odd sight! Pupils and staff were wearing odd socks to raise awareness of anti-bullying week.
We have lots going on in school this week such as:
- A poetry competition - create a poem about making a noise about bullying. Deadline for entries 29th November with prizes available, please hand into Ms Faulkner.
- 12th November - Odd Socks Day
- 16th November - drop in sessions with SWISS workers in the Library for anyone that wants to speak about any concerns they have about bullying.
- Assemblies reminding pupils how they can report bullying:
- Speak to a member of staff
- Speak to Head of House and Form tutor
- Seek out an Anti Bullying Ambassador
- Speak to a trusted adult.
- Applying to be an Anti-bullying Ambassador - there are now opportunities for pupils to apply to be an antibullying ambassador. To apply they need to write a letter or design a poster about why they want to be an antibullying ambassador and what they can bring to the role. The deadline for this is Friday 29th November - hand in to Ms Faulkner.