We have 4 Houses here at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury, House Durham, Exeter, York and Warwick, with each pupil receiving strong pastoral support through high-quality form tutoring and their head of house. This enables all students to receive outstanding pastoral and academic support; enabling them to succeed in education and most importantly progress to be the very best. As a pastoral team, we work to ensure all pupils are able to stay safe, healthy, are able to enjoy and achieve success during their 7 years with us; enabling them to progress into further education, higher education and/ or employment with an intrinsic drive to always be the best that they can be.
In order to achieve their full potential, all students need to be in school and punctual in order to immerse themselves in quality teaching and learning. Those whose attendance is above 98% have greater chances of achieving the very best grades. We value this and always create opportunities to recognise and celebrate these successes by allowing pupils to build reward points in lessons and around school that can either be cashed in or saved for items from our rewards shop. Our pupils have already started to use their points to purchase items of stationary as well as gift vouchers. These are just some of the items that allow pupils to feel a great sense of achievements and success as part of Dame Elizabeth Cadbury.
Our Heads of Houses celebrate a host of successes that contribute to outstanding learning and progress. Pupils who work hard, attend well and behave in lessons make excellent progress which is shown in their assessment grades. They are recognised through weekly assemblies, postcards home and a rewards trip to an event which can be selected by pupils through student council. Pupils are also recognised for incremental points achieved throughout the year with specific milestone certificates and recognition badges that are presented to allow pupils to pin to their blazers.

C Faulkner – Head of Durham

S Britt – Head of Exeter

D Canning-England – Head of Warwick

C Smith – Head of York