Uniform Guidelines
Our uniform consists of:
• Black blazer with school badge must be worn at all times
• White school shirts must be tucked in to waistband with top buttons fastened
• School tie with House colours must be worn at all times (showing a minimum of 6 stripes)
• A plain black v neck jumper, containing no logo or branding, is optional in the winter.
• Formal plain black polishable school shoes must be worn – no trainers, sports branded footwear, canvas pumps or boots are permitted.
• Only standard full-length school trousers are permitted (no jeans, skinny/fashion style trousers, turn ups, ankle grazers or cropped trousers are permitted) OR a black, pleated skirt (must be knee-length - stretchy or fitted skirts are not permitted) worn with black tights or plain black or white ankle socks. Knee length socks are not acceptable in school.
• Plain black tights (no patterns are permitted)
• A plain coat (without graphics, slogans etc.) No coats should be worn in the school building – no hoodies or tracksuit tops are permitted
• Black, plain headscarves, wraps, bands, or hair clips/ornaments (must be tucked under blazers with the school tie visible).
• No extreme hair styles or brightly coloured/dyed hair. Short haircuts MUST be grade 2 or above. There should be no tramlines or shaved eyebrows
• Only pupils in Key Stage 4 are permitted to wear subtle make-up. Key Stage 3 pupils should not wear any at all
• False nails/gel nails are not permitted due to health and safety reasons and pupils will be instructed to remove them
• False eyelashes are not permitted
• No nose studs (including clear plastic studs)
• Pupils are allowed to wear a wrist watch and one pair of plain gold or silver studs in their ear (one only stud per ear lobe). These must be removed for PE lessons. No other piercings are permitted
• A school bag that will hold an A4 folder is essential. Please do not allow your child to have a large handbag for college.
All pupils are expected to wear full school uniform at all times and their appearance should be appropriate to a working environment. Shirts must be tucked in and top buttons fastened.
PE Kit Guidelines
The compulsory items for every PE lesson are:
- Plain Black PE Top
- Plain Black PE shorts, Plain black tracksuit bottoms/Plain black sports leggings
- Plain black football socks
- Sports trainers or boots depending on the activity.
These items can be purchased from Kids Essentials or Clive Marks.
A 20-minute detention will be issued to a pupil who has forgotten their kit and a clean alternative kit will be provided as a replacement. Refusal to wear the replacement kit will result in a further sanction.
We expect high standards of appearance in both PE lessons and extra-curricular clubs.

Please note: The image shown is the prefect tie and not the school house colour tie