June 2024
You said: Some pupils may be at a disadvantage in terms of being selected for rewards trip, based on their attendance being lower due to genuine illness.
We did: Our screening protocols for rewards trips and other trips now involves another layer. We identify pupils who have lower attendance than the threshold for certain trips allows and consider account for whether they may have experienced a serious illness or another situation not within their control.
You said: We'd like to see more creative clubs e.g. crochet skills be added to the extra curricular timetable.
We did: We are designing our extra curricular offer with an extra layer of pupil voice so we can identify what hobbies some of our pupils would like to develop.
You said: We'd like to know a little bit more about what mental health support services are offered in school
We did: We are in the process of including details of the mental health section of our website and a letter to parents and carers to include an introduction to the new Mental Health Practitioner.
You said: Members of the Parent Advisory Forum would like the slides to be circulated in advance of the meeting, in order to consider questions posed and build their responses.
We did: Slides to be circulated in advance of the meeting as requested to give members time to consider questions and their responses.
June 2023
You said: How is the school continuing to improve communication between home and school?
We did:
We are modifying our telephone system and adding a dedicated extension line which will allow parents/carers to report absences via voicemail.
We will issue a Letter to all parents/carers to clarify all forms of communication between home and school to ensure that systems and procedures are clear.
We are currently developing an app to ensure communication between school is easy and accessible. This will allow access to platforms across the school such as Wise Pay, Absence, School communications (letters) etc.
It was agree that “communication” would be added to the next parent forum Agenda as a discussion point.
You said: What can the school do to improve parent/carer knowledge on areas such as safeguarding?
We did:
We will be offering more workshops to help parents/carers further understand the risks of social media platforms and how they can help to keep their child safe online.
Six week RSPCA intervention the school is running and is helping pupils with their mental health.
We will be updating our information for parents/carers on our website and publish links to the National Online Safety guides with current concerns. This will ensure you are more informed about local and national issues.
You said: What steps are going to be taken to tackle Mental Health in general and in particular of
Year 11 pupils during Exams?
We did:
Where a pupil is receiving intervention and support. Teaching staff will be informed of the potential impact upon lessons to ensure that work can be provided and additional guidance given for any lost learning time.
All pupils will be provided with advice and guidance on how to manage their time effectively and properly prepare themselves for examinations.
Pupils will receive advice and guidance on coping with the pressures and stress associated with examinations.
Parent/carer information will be provided to “Help your child revise” and this can be found on our website.
Pupils will be issued with personal examination timetables well in advance of the summer 2024 GCSE examinations.
Additional revision sessions are being held after school as well as over Easter for some subjects, this information will also be shared.
Parents/carers can contact school via Heads of Houses/ enquiry email to highlight any individual concerns.