STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) stands as the cornerstone of progress, innovation and problem solving in our modern world. Its importance resonates across various aspects of our lives, driving advancements that shape our future. During STEM club this past term we have focused on extending the problem-solving mindset beyond the classroom. Students have been encouraged to work collaboratively, creating bridges between science, technology, engineering and maths.
In the realm of discovery and curiosity our Science Club has soared to new heights. With each experiment, we’ve started to unravel some of the mysteries of the world, celebrating the triumph of knowledge.
Some of the experiments we have looked at this past term have included; making exploding volcanoes, scribble bots powered by a motor, looking at the best design for a parachute to safely land an egg and even making our own indicator using purple cabbage!
Thank you to everybody that has and continues to attend as we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the wonders of science together. If you’re interested in attending STEM club then it is held in G2 on a Monday afternoon; we look forward to seeing you!