13th-17th November is national anti-bullying week. The theme for this years anti-bullying week is "make a Noise about bullying" more details on this can be found at the following link. https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/anti-bullying-week-2023-make-noise-about-bullying/anti-bullying-week-2023-make-noise-about-bullying.
During this week pupils at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury will have the opportunity to take part in different activities, including a poetry competition, odd socks day on Friday 17th, assemblies, PSHE sessions as well as a poster competitions. These activities will be advertised by our Antibullying Ambassadors in school, with key reminders on how bullying can be reported.
Get involved and Make a noise about bullying.
Respect - Treat each other as we want to be treated.
Aspire - to be kind and make the right choices.
Believe – In yourself and in others
Commit – To reporting anything you see that is unkind.
What is happening?
• Poster competition
• PSHE topic on antibullying
• Assemblies
• ABA key messages
• Antibullying Poetry competition
As always if you are experiencing bullying please reach out and tell someone.
Ways to report:
•Tell a member of staff
•Tell an ABA
•Tell your HOH
•Complete a referral form found in the PA office or reception.