
Advent Calendar of Kindness

When we were looking at how we could celebrate the festivities this year, we asked our pupils, what is it that they wanted to do? We had lot of suggestions from Christmas assemblies to form group parties, non-uniform days to Christmas jumper day. Whilst we have been able to make some of these ideas happen, one idea which really stood out was from a pupil in 7EX1, Grace had the lovely idea of creating an advent calendar of kindness, with a thoughtful act to be completed each day. We were really pleased to be able to bring this suggestion to life and our advent calendar of kindness has not only been shared with the whole school, but across the Matrix Academy Trust too! This means that all our schools in Walsall, Birmingham and Nuneaton can show their kindness to each other throughout December!

Pupils are invited to pass compliments to one another, hold the door open for each other, make a drink from somebody at home and donate to a local food bank throughout the month. There are also activities to complete on the days when school has finished, so it does not stop on 16th December!

Well done Grace for such a kind and thoughtful idea, and well done to all our pupils for taking part on this wonderful gesture.

Want to take part in our advent calendar of kindness?

Please use this image as a guide for the gestures to be completed each day. Have fun!

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Sixth Form Open Evening

Our Sixth Form Open Evening is always busy. Therefore, to keep the flow of people moving and minimise large gatherings we are splitting the evening into two.

There will be an entry time at 5:00pm and then a second one at 5:45pm. There will be a talk from the Sixth Form Team at the start of each of these sessions.

Tickets MUST be booked in advance or you will not be permitted entry. A ticket must be booked for every person attending, including any students. As tickets are limited, please support us by booking only the number of tickets you need and keeping your party as small as possible.

Even with these measures in place, we strongly encourage all visitors to wear face coverings during Open Evening.


Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated In England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and takes place from 15 to 19 November 2021 and it has the theme One Kind Word. The week will begin with Odd Socks Day which is supported by CBBC and CBeebies star Andy Day and his band Andy and the Odd Socks.

Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week taking place from 15 to 19 of November 2021.

What's happening at Dame Elizabeth?

  • Poetry competition with Amazon prizes (information will be given out during form time literacy see Ms Homer for more details)
  • Odd sock day – Monday 15th November
  • Assemblies
  • PSHE
  • Poster competition
  • ABA Messages

Turing Scheme 2022

Matrix Academy Trust can proudly announce that we have been successful in two bids for the new Turing Scheme. We will therefore be able to offer experiences across all five Matrix secondary schools for 100 pupils to go abroad to experience life in Spain or Germany in 2022. The Turing Scheme replaces the Erasmus project, which, for many years, has supported pupils to travel, learn and study internationally.

We will shortly be opening applications for 10 Year 8 pupils to apply to go on the Turing Germany project and a further 10 Year 9 pupils to apply to go on the Turing Spain project. Our projects are planned to take place in Fulda near Frankfurt in Germany and the Costa Del Sol in Spain.

For the successful applicants this will be a life-changing opportunity: the chance to travel internationally, working alongside other pupils from the Matrix Academy Trust schools and meeting German or Spanish pupils. Pupils taking part will also take part in pre-mobility work between schools to learn about the host countries culture, language, food, schools and ways of life.


Combined Cadet Force

The CCF continues to parade on a Monday evening between 1500 - 1630hrs. 

Detachment Strength

  1. Prior to Easter holidays the detachment strength sat at 1x SSI, 2x Officers, and 18 Cadets.  As at 18 June 2021 the detachment sits at 1x SSI, 3x Officers, 32 Cadets.  The Year 11 Cadets have now departed school.


  1. On the 11th June Sgt Doble (RAVC) launched the Year 7 recruitment drive during assembly.  Over 50 application forms were released to students, this is in addition to a steady influx of current Year 8/9 students wishing to join the Cadets.
  2. Negotiations are currently taking place with Turves Green Boys School in order to provide them with access to the CCF system.  If approved by Cadet HQ, we will begin by providing 15x spaces for Yr8 pupils. TGBS will provide one member of staff and the pupils will travel to DECS for parade nights.

Current Ops.

  1. Between 7-11th June, Cadet Sgt Dienn and Pilot Officer Wright presented a week-long of assemblies to commemorate the D-Day Landings and what would have been the 100th birthday of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.  The culmination was a school-wide two minutes silence held on the 10th June 2021 at 1200hrs.
  2. Throughout the remaining weeks of the school year, the CCF has been consolidating and re-learning skills that haven’t been used since the pandemic.  These have included revising fieldcraft skills such as camouflage & concealment, patrolling, hand signals, and target indication.
  3. With the influx of new recruits and the impending arrival of the School detachment standard we have also been practicing our ceremonial drill. Ensuring that our cadets are competent and look smart has been one of our ‘back to basics’ initiatives. 

Camps/External Activities

  1. Due to the sporadic state of lockdown enforcement and the ongoing pandemic, unfortunately all residential camps were placed on hold.  This has meant that only single day activities have been available, and at a reduced rate. RAFAC HQ by the end of summer holidays hopes that all ‘Blue’ camps can return to normal, allowing us to bid for places in the October half term.

Future Ops.

  1. The school has purchased a Standard (flag) for the Cadet Force which bears the schools name and will become an emblem of pride to the Cadets and wider school. Once this arrives it is proposed that the cadets will parade the standard in a blessing ceremony.
  2. During the enrichment weeks at the end of the summer term, Year 7 students will have a whole afternoon where they will be introduced to a number of activities ran by the Cadet Leaders.  This will be used as a further recruiting tool during the terms to follow.
  3. The school is due to receive its Benweld cabinet to facilitate the storage of cadet weapon systems.  This should be in place by the end of the summer, allowing skill at arms training to begin in September.
  4. With the easing of restrictions external activities will be easier to orchestrate and there is a current plan to enable our junior leaders to attend an NCO Leadership camp in October.

D-Day Juniors


Z.Dienn, 10 YK2, performed at the Black Country Museum's 1940's weekend alongside the D-Day Darlings and the other D-Day Juniors. They carried out six performances over 2 days, performing 'Pass it on' on Saturday evening and a Wartime medley on the Sunday. "It was an Incredible weekend, although very hot, and I can't wait to get out and do it again" said Z.Dienn.


NEW WisePay App

A new WisePay App is now available for Android and Apple devices. You can download it from the Google Play or Apple Store.

Please note that you can't have both the new and old apps running side by side so you must uninstall the original app for the new one to work. The original app does still work so if you prefer to use this then you can continue to do so

The process for logging into the new app is the same as it was for the original app:

1. Enter the organisation code of the school (44365117)

2. Enter username 

3. Enter password

4. Child's first name 

5. Child's last name

Here are some FAQs and a User Guide for parents when using the new app: 

New WisePay App FAQs_V2.pdf 

WP App User Guide_V1_0206.pdf


Homework and Self-quizzing

  • As we have returned back to face to face teaching, we took the decision to re-introduce homework through a staggered approach to support the pupils settling back into school. By now, all pupils should be receiving and completing homework in line with the homework timetable and for all lessons.  It is important that pupils take responsibility for writing their homework tasks into their planners and we ask that you check this with them on a weekly basis and sign their planner to show you have checked it and discussed the work set. Pupils complete their tasks in a homework book rather than their classwork book and they are expected to bring this to school on days when homework is due in.
  • The majority of homework tasks will be self-quizzing which is proven to significantly improve the retention of information in the long-term memory through retrieval practice. There’s lots of educational research on how re-calling information from memory actually helps us to improve our memory over time. As a result, this means that pupils who regularly complete self-quizzing homework are more likely to achieve the best grades they are capable of. Self-quizzing also promotes good learning habits such as improved organisation and resilience.
  • So what does self-quizzing look like? Pupils will be asked to revise a topic, expected to put their notes away, and then re-call as much as they can; writing what they can remember in their homework book. When pupils have exhausted this, they should then use their notes to add detail in a different colour. This will help them to identify what they need to pay special attention to next time they are revising. Their teachers will check that homework is complete to the correct standard on a weekly basis. Although self-quizzing will form a significant part of homework for most subjects, there will be times when a different task is set. For example, sometimes a project might be more appropriate in DT or pupils may need to answer a past exam question or research a given topic. Some subjects set homework supported by online resources such as GCSEPod or Seneca. Pupils will need to ensure that they know their log in details well in advance of the deadline for any homework being due in.
  • Homework is always intended to support pupils learning and progress. We are also keen to make sure that pupils have time to relax and feel fresh and ready for the next day at school.  Homework should take no more than 60-70 minutes of homework per evening.

Sixth Form News

Year 13 have been working incredible hard to prepare for the Y13 assessments which will go towards their final grades this summer.  We have a record 87% of Y13 students who have applied to Universities across the country through UCAS.  With degrees ranging from Aviation & Airport Management to Pharmacy to Mechanical Engineering.  Students who have not applied through UCAS are currently being supported through the process of applying for apprenticeships and jobs.  All Year 13 students have had independent careers advice from our careers advisor and Year 12 are in the process of meeting with the careers advisor to discuss about their future plans and next steps.

We want to say a massive congratulations to Ellie (Y12) who competed in the British Olympic Trials (Breaststroke), unable to train much due to lockdown Ellie still managed a Seasons Best time and the experience is going to put her in good stead for her next planned competition which is at the end of May in Glasgow to hopefully qualify for the European Junior Swimming Championships.

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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