You will be very much aware of the current escalating situation nationally and internationally in relation to Coronavirus.
Some pupils and parents have asked questions around how DEC may or may not be affected by the current situation – I write here to provide a brief overview and some reassurance.
We receive daily updates from The Department for Education advising us of new information and any action we may need to take. So far, the direction given to all schools matches everything that we have all seen on the news. Regular washing of hands for more than 20 seconds with soap and water remains the most effective action we can all take to prevent the spread of the virus.
Pupils have been reminded of this advice - multiple notices are placed around school and on big screens to continually prompt everyone to wash their hands. In addition, we are ensuring that cleaning remains thorough in school every day.
So far, there have been no cases of Coronavirus within or connected to school.
In the event of a change to our situation, we will notify parents straight away and act according to the advice given to us by Public Health England and The Department for Education.
As things currently stand, it is business as usual for all pupils.
Thank you for your continued support.