I am proud to be the Head of School at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School where we are committed to creating an environment where each pupil is empowered to ‘Strive for Excellence’ and reach their full potential in every aspect of their educational journey. Our STRIVE values guide us in this mission. These values are not just words on a page but principles that guide our actions every day.
Self-Motivated to Achieve
Together We Learn
Respectful to All
Integrity in All We Do
Valuable Contributions
Everyone is Equal
I know that you have chosen Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School for our values and commitment to ensuring your child’s success. I look forward to welcoming your child on their journey with us and to working with you for the next seven years at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School.
Mr C. Seager, Head of School

As you start to think about leaving primary school and the move to secondary school, you should remember why you chose Dame Elizabeth Cadbury.
Our Values - Strive for Excellence
Our STRIVE values underpin what it means not just to be a successful pupil but also a successful citizen in modern Britain. They represent characteristics which enable our pupils to be compassionate, community-minded individuals who contribute positively to our society both now and in the future. At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School we challenge our pupils to ‘Strive for Excellence’ in everything they do.
This value teaches us that, by demonstrating a positive attitude to learning, we can be active learners who are resilient when facing challenges and who always think hard about all learning.
This value teaches us the power of collective learning. It means that we work collaboratively to create an environment where we can all thrive as part of the Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School community.
This value teaches us that our interactions, behaviours, and attitudes can support all members of the Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School community. It shows us that we must create a culture where everyone feels valued, understood, and included.
This value teaches us that we must always do the right thing to build trust, honesty, and accountability; even when nobody is watching.
This value teaches us that we all have a responsibility to make positive contributions to the Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School community every day. It shows us that everybody in our school brings unique talents, perspectives and experiences that make our community richer.
This value teaches us that everybody at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School is equally valued. It shows us that we must recognise and celebrate our different backgrounds and experiences as a source of strength and diversity in our community.
What Will I Learn?
We are proud of the diverse and enriching curriculum that we offer our pupils. The subjects they will study are in Key Stage 3 are English, Mathematics, Science, a modern foreign language – French, Spanish or German, Geography, History, Religious Education, Physical Education, Personal Social and Health Education, Design Technology, Food Technology, Art, Computer Science & Music. Within their PSHE lessons, pupils will receive a comprehensive Careers Education that will aid them in selecting their Key Stage 4 options in Year 9 and guide them in their future careers.
The School Day
Uniform Expectations
Dress for Success
Using Your Planner
On your first day you will be issued with a planner.
You will use this to:
- Record a copy of your personal timetable.
- Make of note of homework that is set and when it is due.
- Show your parents/carers what work is being set and pass messages to your Form Tutor.
- Record any detentions that might be set.
- Record any Catch Ups or Redo sessions with your teachers.
Your parents/carers will sign your planner every week to show that they have seen all of your homework and to confirm that you have passed on any messages.
ClassCharts points will be given out from your teachers and staff for your effort, behaviour and work as well as your contributions to school life. Praise will be recognised by your form tutor, Head of House and Leadership.
We pride ourselves on ensuring communication with our parents and carers is both effective and time efficient. If you wish to contact the school on any matter, please phone your child’s Head of House or email: enquiry@decschool.co.uk.
If you wish to see the Headteacher about a most serious matter, please write to, email enquiry@decschool.co.uk or telephone and make an appointment for a mutually convenient time. Relatively routine matters should always be referred to the Head of House in the first instance. Conversely, if serious problems present themselves at school, the Head of House or a senior member of staff will arrange to meet with you. If this happens, the problem is serious, and we ask for your full support in the interests of your child.
We use WEDUC to communicate with parents and carers. You can view our parent/carer guide HERE
We use ClassCharts to report your child’s positive and negative behaviours. The behaviours recorded represent live data and can be viewed throughout the day. Parents/carers will receive an access code for the ClassCharts parent app in September. This will allow you to monitor your child’s behaviour whilst they are at school and discuss their positives and negatives with them at the end of each day.
The school newsletter and school letters are published electronically on our website to keep you informed about all school matters.
We also use twitter to keep parents informed of exciting news and opportunities. Follow us at @FollowDECTC
Parents are requested to attend all Parents Evenings. These meetings are seen as a vital part of the communication process between home and school and research has shown that children of parents who attend benefit greatly.
In Year 7, all appointments are booked and take place using an online platform, meaning that you can attend meetings from a location that is convenient to you. At your child’s Parents Evening you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teachers, discuss their progress and ask any questions that you may have.
Dates and times for Parents Evenings are sent out in advance and published on the school’s website.
Other information evenings and parental workshops are also held for parents and details are published separately for these events.
Year 7 Parents Evening - date to be confirmed.
At school you will have a 25-minute break in the morning. You can socialise with friends in the school Canteen or Hall, or you can make use of our outdoor space. If you want to buy food, you can purchase and eat refreshments in the school Canteen or Hall. You can read in the school library during breaktime but must note that it is a silent space.
All of Year 7 have lunch at the same time so you will be able to see your friends. You can buy a hot meal or a sandwich or bring a packed lunch. You will need money on your cashless account to buy refreshments.
Members of Leadership will be on duty at lunch time. You can view the school’s menu on our website.
Find out if you are eligible for Free School Meals
Frequently Asked Questions
You will have a timetable that you will write into your planner which will include 5 lessons each day. Every day you will need your stationery (see equipment here – link to be changed) and you will need any homework for the lessons of the day. Your bag should be packed and checked against your planner each evening. You will have PE each week. You must remember to wash your kit ready for the next week so that it is clean and fresh. When you are deciding on which school bag to buy ready for September make sure you consider being able to fit your PE kit, your planner and even your lunch in at the same time.
You can buy refreshments at break and lunch time. You will be informed where you will dine when you start in September. Leadership will supervise you during break and lunch. We do not go ‘out to play’ at lunch time as we only have 30 minutes to dine. At the end of each break and lunch session, you will be dismissed straight back to lessons.
The school website shows you a list of equipment, uniform and kit that you will need. It is expected that in every classroom based lesson you get your planner and equipment out on the desk ready to learn at the start of each lesson.
Important Procedures
If a pupil has a special educational need or disability and has received additional support at their primary school for this need, they will be assessed by the SEND Coordinator (SENDCo) to ascertain if they still require this support. Should the pupil still require support with their additional needs, they will be supported by the SENDCo and the Learning Support team. The support offered to a pupil will be decided in communication with parents/carers and staff will be provided with a pupil profile which details the best way to support the pupil in lessons. The pupil profile is the child’s voice in the classroom and will be written with the support of parents and the SENDCo.
Termly, the SENDCo will review the provision for the pupil and decide whether the pupil needs additional support from specialist staff to develop skills in the classroom by providing additional scaffolding so that pupils can access the topic in lessons. Some pupils will need special provision in addition to lessons to develop literacy and numeracy skills which could mean the pupil attends a range of intervention programmes during form time. Pupils could also be invited to a range of programmes that would develop their confidence and social skills such as Social Interaction Group (SIG) where pupils work on their self-esteem and communication skills.
These interventions are by invitation only to ensure the groups are small, allowing for us to maximise the impact for pupils. Where special educational needs of a registered disability are identified, every effort is made to make special provision for pupils within the resources of a mainstream school available. Please note that Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School is a multi-level site with separate buildings.
At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School we recognise the importance of supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils. Our whole school approach includes an extensive PSHE programme, assemblies, form time activities, pupil voice, a mental health practitioner and pastoral support as well as working with external agencies. These include Forward Thinking Birmingham, CAMHS and the School Nursing Team.
Dame Elizabeth Cadbury is a Telling School and we encourage all pupils to talk about their experiences, thoughts and feelings. Bullying has no place in our school, and it will not be tolerated. There are well-developed procedures for staff and pupils to follow if incidents do occur. The topic of bullying is explored in assemblies and during tutor time so that pupils are reminded they should tell someone if they do not feel happy about a matter. Our pupils know that there is no need to suffer in silence. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are also available, and they are trained to support pupils too. If you believe that your child is being bullied, please contact their Head of House immediately.
Pupils take responsibility for their own personal property and should never bring expensive items into school. The school cannot accept responsibility for valuables. Electronic tablets, computer games, electronic mobile devices such as kindles and other expensive items MUST NOT be brought into school. Books represent a very significant element of the school’s expenditure, and it is essential that they are properly looked after. Pupils are expected to pay for a new book where one is lost or defaced. Each pupil is issued with a planner at the start of the academic year, and we expect them to remain in an excellent condition. If a planner is lost, a new planner can be purchased via the House Office. The cost to replace a planner is £3.00.
Pupils must cross at the crossing opposite the top gate. Parents/carers are asked not to park near the school gates as this makes it dangerous for pupils crossing the roads.
To safeguard pupils, staff and visitors, all external gates will be locked during the school day. The gates will be locked at 8.35am and re-opened for pupils exiting school at 3.10pm. If a pupil arrives after 9.10am or needs to leave before 3.10pm, they will be let out by the staff at reception.
The school has qualified first aiders to deal with on-site emergencies. Where there is a more serious accident and it is necessary for a pupil to be transported to hospital, parents/carers are contacted as soon as possible. Where both parents are absent from home, the parents or carer are contacted at their place of employment. If a child is unwell, parents/carers will be expected to collect their child. It is vital that the school has up-to-date information to enable us to contact you in cases of accident or illness. An essential information and medical form is issued to parents, on which you should indicate clearly the telephone numbers by which quick contact can be made, and any other emergency contact details. You must provide the school with at least two emergency contact numbers.
Whilst accidents and serious illnesses that occur in school will be dealt with by school staff, incidents that happen out of school hours or at the weekend should be dealt with by parents.
If your child has a medical condition, please ensure that the school is aware in the first instance by entering it on the essential information form before your child begins at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School.
If your child has a condition that requires a Care Plan such as epilepsy, diabetes or asthma for example, or a potentially life-threatening severe allergy that requires them to carry an EpiPen, it is vital that you provide Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School with the care plan and medication prior to them starting in September. This is to ensure the school is fully equipped to support your child when they are in school.
Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School is a cashless school. We use WeDuc, a web payment provider for the payment of all trips, visits, peripatetic lessons, dinner money for our cashless catering system and any other services the school offers.
Parents/carers will be provided with login details to get into their child’s WeDuc account. Parents/carers are requested not to send large sums of money into school with pupils.
If your child brings a mobile phone into school, the phone must be turned off throughout the school day. If your child is found using their phone it will be confiscated immediately and given to Miss Styles, Head’s PA. It can be collected from Miss Styles at the end of the school day.
Parents are requested to attend all Parents Evenings. These meetings are seen as a vital part of the communication process between home and school and research has shown that children of parents who attend benefit greatly.
In Years 7 to 10, all appointments are booked and take place using an online platform, meaning that you can attend meetings from anywhere that is convenient to you. At your child’s Parents Evening you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and discuss their progress.
Dates and times for Parents Evenings are sent out in advance and published on the school’s website.
Other information evenings and parental workshops are also held for parents and details are published separately for these events.
Only the school can authorise non-attendance. If a child is absent, parents/carers should contact the school before 8.40am on each day of absence. Your child should be on school site no later than 8:35am. If pupils arrive onto school site after 8.35am they will be issued with a 20-minute detention after school on the same day. All pupils should be waiting outside their form rooms by 8.40am each morning for registration. If pupils arrive after 9:10am they will be marked in the register as an unauthorised absence and coded as ‘U’ and they will be set a detention after school. Afternoon registration takes place during period 4.
Any requests for absence from school must be made eight weeks in advance using an absence request form available from reception. Parents/carers are asked not to take holidays during term time and, if taken, the school will not authorise the absence. You will also make yourself liable for a Fixed Penalty Notice, where each parent/carer will have to pay £60 for each child removed from school.
This will need to be paid within 21 days and if it is not paid within this time, the charge will rise to £120 per parent for each child and must be paid within 28 days in order to avoid prosecution by the Local Authority.
Pupils may be given a same-day 20-minute detention. You will be given 24-hours’ notice of the school’s intention to keep your child after school if the detention is for more than 20 minutes. Please check your child’s planner regularly to see if a detention has been issued. It is the pupil’s responsibility to show their planner to parents/carers if a detention has been issued.
Pupils should expect to stay behind after 3.10pm for various reasons. In addition to detentions, which are only ever used as a sanction, pupils may be required to stay for a catch-up, revision session or redo. These are never used as a punishment but are intended to help all pupils make progress.
A catch-up is issued if pupils have gaps in their learning, either due to absence or because they did not completely understand something beforehand. A redo is issued if pupils produce work which is not of the required standard, and they need to have another attempt.
We passionately believe that moving on to a new topic before pupils have secured their understanding of what has come before is setting them up to fail; redos and catch-up help us to ensure that all pupils achieve.
Pupils must not bring any illegal substances, knives, or any other weapon onto the school site. Drugs, tobacco, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vapour pens, matches and lighters are not permitted. Any such items found will be confiscated and will be destroyed. The matter will be treated as a serious breach of school rules and parents will be contacted.
The Headteacher will recommend permanent exclusion to the Governance Advisory Board for any pupil who brings drugs, knives or weapons onto the school site and the Police will be informed. Please refer to our Behaviour Policy on the school website.
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Contact Info
Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,
West Midlands B30 1UL
Contact Number: 0121 464 4040
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm