As we begin the Summer term it is always good to reflect on the success of the student leadership team both as a cohort of students and some key individuals who have being successful in different areas across school so far this academic year during the Spring term.
New Prefect Cohort
As we move into the Summer term it is the time of year when prospective Year 9 & 10 students undergo the rigorous and robust prefect application process, so that they have the Summer term to be introduced to the role and develop the skills needed to be an outstanding prefect prior to going into Year 10 & 11.
The quality of the applications received this year were absolutely phenomenal and congratulations to the successful candidates.
Outstanding Prefects
On reflection from the Spring term the a group of prefects have been selected to attend a reward meal during the Summer term for their outstanding contribution to the Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School community ensuring that school remains a safe space for all students and that high standards and expectations around school are maintained.
Prefect Standards/Expectations
A reminder for all students who are interested in becoming a prefect in the future below is the expected criteria to maintained and met once becoming a prefect:
- 97% attendance or above.
- Less than 5 negatives in a term.
- Less than 3 lates in a term.
- Less than 2 missed duties.
- Outstanding behaviour in lessons and unstructured time.