Year 11 Prom

The evening kicked off with whistles blaring from a decorated car, swiftly joined by revved engines from a variety of sportier options. Others arrived in stretched hummer limos or made for a subtler entrance. 

It goes without saying that everyone looked stunning. Couples had coordinated outfits to perfection, dresses sparkled and suits looked crisp. There was a wide spectrum of outfits with special mention to a Pac Man themed suit and a steam punk costume, complete with pocket watch.  

As people arrived the venue soon filled up and the photo booth became a much-desired stop to take quirky photos with friends. Without any coaxing, the dance floor was flooded and the celebration truly started.  

Everywhere you looked there were smiles and enjoyment. A pure sense of community, especially when votes were cast and the new Prom King and Queen were announced with loud cheers and applause.  

What was also humbling was the warmth shown to staff as well, from handshakes on arrival to being invited/dragged onto the dance floor to join in with the festivities. The shared enjoyment and laughter throughout the evening just showed how valued the staff were for the hard work put in throughout Y11’s time at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury. This culminated in a much-deserved standing ovation for the organiser of the event, Ms Britt.  

The year 11 prom was the best celebration for an amazing group of young adults, who have worked incredibly hard throughout their GCSEs and exams. It was obvious to see, that this was a wonderful send off for the class of 2023. 

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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