On Monday 20th November, students from York house went to visit their house charity St Basils, and learnt about the fantastic work they do. Here is what a few of the students said about their time with the charity.
“At St Basils we learnt about how the charity started with the reverend of the church supporting young people who were trying to sleep outside his church. He would bring them inside and offer food and a bed for the night. St Basils now help people that are 16-25 and they help them with pleases to live and run activities for them such as arts and crafts. They also teach them responsibilities and life skills like cooking and cleaning. At the place we went there was 26 rooms for people to use and they can customise their room how they like. The charity is amazing.”
“We found out about the history of St Basils and how it started. We learned about the different parts of the charity the people that work there. We learnt about the different jobs in the charity and the resources they provide for people aged 16-25 years old. We learnt about the housing spaces they provide and met a lot of passionate workers who were very good at their jobs. We all got a St Basils teddy which was nice.”
“The charity started from the church by reverend Milner who saw people sleeping outside the church so offered them a space inside the church. This happened several Friday nights and the charity grew from this act. They help young people get back on their feet with jobs and schooling from ages 16-25. They interview people to see what help they need and if people don’t want to stay with them they can wash their clothes and get food at the centre. They also teach people to cook and clean whilst they stay with them. At the project we visited people often stay there for 3 months and there were 26 rooms. They get the most donations around Christmas time and they get it from lots of businesses.”