
Matrix Performing Arts Showcase

On Thursday 23rd November, some of our talented pupils represented Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School in the Matrix Performing Arts Showcase, held at Turves Green Boys School. Pupils from all schools in the Matrix Academy Trust came together to showcase and support each other in their Dance, Music and Drama performances.

Congratulations to our DEC Dance Team (Alex, Ariella, Valentina, Mia, Radendra, Faith, Imogen, Amelia and Naomi) and DEC Musicians (Mateo, Grade and Freya) on representing Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School with their excellent performances!


Matrix Collaboration Dance Video

'On Tuesday 14th November, some if our pupils visited Wednesfield Academy to represent Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School in Matrix Academy Trust Collaboration Video. Prior to their visit, the pupils had learnt a short dance phrase to a section of the song 'High Hopes', and whilst visiting the school, the pupils learnt a finale section, alongside pupils from other schools in the trust. This was then filmed and edited together, showcasing their collaboration at the Matrix Academy Trust Day.' 


12 Days of Christmas Attendance

At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, excellent attendance is one of our top priorities. We are keen to encourage all pupils to take advantage of every teaching and learning opportunity available to them at the school and in order for that to happen it is important they are here.

To continue to promote and reward outstanding attendance, we are running a festive attendance incentive. Between the 6th and 21st of December, we would like every pupil to be present at school and pupils will have the chance to win some fantastic prizes if they are. The daily winners will be drawn at random from all the pupils in attendance that day with a prize per year group. Please note, to be eligible for the grand prize on the 21st of December, pupils must have attended all week. As you know, your child should be in school every day, but every effort should be made to ensure 100% attendance during these 12 days. 

If you have made medical or dental appointments during this period, we kindly ask that you make every effort to rearrange these if possible. If not, please ensure that your child only misses the minimum amount of time and not a whole morning or afternoon.

Our current attendance is 92% and we have further incentives and rewards planned for the remainder of the academic year. We appreciate your continuing support in helping your child achieve excellent attendance.  


The difference ending term well makes to pupil attendance

"R Prime, the headteacher at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, explains the 6 steps schools can take to help ensure fantastic attendance on Fridays and during final weeks of term.   

After the Covid-19 pandemic, one of our challenges was attendance drop off. We saw a particular drop off both on Fridays, where there is clear evidence of a pattern of higher absence, and towards the end of term especially in the final week.  

Here are 6 actionable steps that we have found to be successful, and that schools and trusts can take to help ensure attendance on Fridays and during final week is fantastic, not flagging. 

Analyse your Friday and Christmas patterns 

We look back to final weeks in previous terms, especially in the Christmas period. It helps to identify which pupils tend to be off in final weeks of term, so that we can target extra support and communications. Following the DfE’s daily attendance data monitoring project can help get on top of your exact numbers. 

Communicate consistently the importance of a strong finish to the whole school  

Make sure you utilise all communication channels to parents and pupils to emphasize that Fridays are a fifth of the learning week. Conversely, half a Friday missed a fortnight is a tenth of the school year. The same holds for the last week – it is 8% of the term’s learning. It’s not just important to consolidate learnings from the week or term, but also for social connection and creating a culture of belonging in school.  

Schedule learning and enrichment strategically 

Demonstrate that Fridays and final weeks matter by treating the time as valuable. Some attendance hub schools schedule their mock exams in the final week of term, for example. Even simply ensuring enrichment is high quality (not just videos) or working extra hard to include more loosely attached children in activities like Christmas plays so they feel valued and engaged. We also find that celebration assemblies in the final week or on the final day provide an opportunity to reflect on the successes of the half term and provide an opportunity for meaningful praise and rewards for pupils.  

Extra consistency and rigour in follow-up   

We have found that prompts and a warm welcome are very important. Practices such as meeting children at the gate and calls to parents need to be implemented as well on Fridays and in the final week of terms as they are on any other day or week.  

You could even increase frequency of follow-up calls and messages during these periods for any unexplained absence. The group of pupils with weak attendance in the final week can be a good starting place for outreach engagement over the holidays and pre-term reminders in January. This is particularly critical where term isn’t starting again till a Tuesday. 

Parental engagement  

We keep engagement with parents as consistent as possible – for example sending weekly reminders to parents about upcoming Friday activities or involving parents in the planning of end-of-term events. Their involvement can help the family feel engaged and valued, and hence improve the pupil’s attendance. Our ‘12 Days of Christmas Attendance’ incentive will include a prize of a Christmas hamper - a treat for the whole family. We also have started effectively reporting absence, which involves describing lessons missed and being clear on what subjects and enrichment and social opportunities the pupils lost out on.  

Targeted reward systems 

Attendance rewards need to be thought about carefully - for example whole year prizes may mean that children who face a long-term period of illness can never benefit. We like the idea of using 'Friday Stars', which recognises students with consistent Friday attendance, or providing a special end-of-term celebration for those with good attendance in the final week, giving the awards on the final day of term. Our ‘Halloween treats’ for those with 100% attendance in the week before the October half-term proved popular and saw attendance for the week rise above the national average"

Read the original article HERE


York trip to St Basils 

On Monday 20th November, students from York house went to visit their house charity St Basils, and learnt about the fantastic work they do. Here is what a few of the students said about their time with the charity. 

“At St Basils we learnt about how the charity started with the reverend of the church supporting young people who were trying to sleep outside his church. He would bring them inside and offer food and a bed for the night. St Basils now help people that are 16-25 and they help them with pleases to live and run activities for them such as arts and crafts. They also teach them responsibilities and life skills like cooking and cleaning. At the place we went there was 26 rooms for people to use and they can customise their room how they like. The charity is amazing.” 

“We found out about the history of St Basils and how it started. We learned about the different parts of the charity the people that work there. We learnt about the different jobs in the charity and the resources they provide for people aged 16-25 years old. We learnt about the housing spaces they provide and met a lot of passionate workers who were very good at their jobs. We all got a St Basils teddy which was nice.” 

“The charity started from the church by reverend Milner who saw people sleeping outside the church so offered them a space inside the church. This happened several Friday nights and the charity grew from this act. They help young people get back on their feet with jobs and schooling from ages 16-25. They interview people to see what help they need and if people don’t want to stay with them they can wash their clothes and get food at the centre. They also teach people to cook and clean whilst they stay with them. At the project we visited people often stay there for 3 months and there were 26 rooms. They get the most donations around Christmas time and they get it from lots of businesses.” 


Christmas Jumper Day

On Tuesday 19 December, put on your most Christmassy jumper, donate what you can to Save the Children (buckets on the gate) and help kids everywhere get the best future ever.


Christmas Appeal - launch 27 November

To support those families who are struggling financially this year, we would like to put together Christmas packages. We are looking for donations of food and other items from the list below (for guidance only, please feel free to donate what you can). Your support would be massively appreciated . Any donations can be bought to Ms Morris' office between 27 November and 15 December. 

  • Mince pies
  • Cakes
  • Crisps
  • Sweets/chocolates/candy canes
  • Store cupboard puddings (Christmas pudding and custard or yule log)
  • Crackers for the table on Christmas day
  • Hot chocolate and marshmallows
  • Biscuits/savoury biscuits/crackers
  • Festive chocolates
  • Non-alcoholic drinks 
  • Selection boxes
  • Gingerbread making kit 
  • New and unopened toiletries of any kind

All donations due by 15 Dec


Year 10 Prefects

Today we launch the Year 10 Prefect application process. Our Year 10 pupils are invited to complete a rigorous application process consisting of a written application and interviews with a Head of House. Once selected, all prefects will receive Level 1 safeguarding and leadership and team building training. Once trained, they will provide valued support at school events such as Year 6 Transition, Open Evening and Year 11 Parents' Evenings, supporting their peers and being relied upon to showcase the very best that Dame Elizabeth Cadbury has to offer.


World Champion Gymnast 2023

Well done to our very own student, Otis M, who did amazingly well this weekend competing with gymnasts from all around the world. Otis is tumbling 13 to 14 world champion for 2023 and came 1st winning a Gold Medal. Fantastic!


World Trampoline Championships reward trip

On Friday 10th November, a group of DEC students went to watch the 'World Trampolining Championships' at the Utilita Arena in Birmingham as reward for their hard work in PE lessons and Extra-Curricular clubs. Throughout the day we watched elite gymnasts performing on the Trampolines, the Double Mini Trampolines and the Tumbling tracks. It was an incredible day, filled with lots of enthusiasm and cheering from the crowd and inspired performances!

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West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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