
Saltmine 'filters' performance - PSHE

On Friday 7th February, as part of our PSHE programme, we welcomed Saltmine Trust Theatre Company to Dame Elizabeth Cadbury to perform 'Filters' for pupils in Year 8 and 9. Saltmine have been touring theatre in education nationally since 1980, educating the next generation on current social issues and empowering them to make wise choices. Filters is a production and workshop which focuses on social media use, sexual harassment, consent, cyberbullying, AI, and pornography. These are sensitive topics, but they are delivered in an age-appropriate way. This powerful production aims to encourage pupils to take control of their own futures, to be encouragers and positive influences on each other. 

The statutory Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education guidance in secondary schools from the Department of Education states that by the end of secondary school pupils should know: about different types of bullying (including cyberbullying); online risks, including that any material someone provides to another has the potential to be shared online and the difficulty of removing potentially compromising material placed online; how to identify harmful behaviours online (including bullying, abuse, or harassment) and how to report, or find support, if they have been affected by those behaviours; the impact of viewing harmful content; and that specifically sexually explicit material e.g., pornography presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, can damage the way people see themselves in relation to others and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partners.


National apprenticeship week activities in faculties

As part of national apprenticeship week, we have been immersed in activities which have highlighted which apprenticeships are available to pupils when they leave school and which can be studied with specific subjects on our curriculum.

In Science, some of our students have been looking at how they can gain an apprenticeship in nuclear power. Key stage 3 have been looking at how science can help gain an apprenticeship in jewellery making.

Maths have built in apprenticeships into each key stage by displaying the types of maths problems someone might be asked to solve in a certain role.

Health and Social Care have also been looking at what NHS apprenticeships are out there.


Maths Spotlight

Year 7 Spotlight

Year 7 are continuing to develop their knowledge and skills within geometry this half term. 7y1 have been looking at the properties of different shapes focusing specifically on properties of quadrilaterals. After identifying the different properties, they then created their own ‘What shape am I?’ task and challenged each other to identify their chosen shape given the clues they created.

Year 12 Spotlight

Our year 12 mathematicians are continuing to work through their A Level scheme of work. Miss Buckley’s class have been extending their knowledge of trigonometry from year 11 and are learning to manipulate trigonometric expressions using trigonometric identities. Both groups are working incredibly hard and are making good progress with some of the more complex A Level topics.

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National Apprenticeship Week 2025

This week we are celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2025 (10th-16th February) as part of our Careers curriculum at DEC.

We have lots of exciting opportunities lined up for pupils, including form time activities on 'Green Apprenticeships' and lessons throughout the week focussing on subject specific apprenticeships.

As a parent or carer, we know you will want to be able to guide and advise your child towards the best opportunity for them. So, where do you start? Being open-minded about the range of opportunities, and equipping yourself with knowledge and information is the best way to build your confidence, and ultimately to support your child to make the best decision for them.

The links in this message will help you to help your child. 

See our website for more advice on careers

Apprenticeship Hints Tips for Parents/Carers

Amazing Apprenticeships

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Children's Mental Health Week (3rd-9th February 2025)

As parents and carers we all want our children to understand how to be able to communicate their mental health needs. Research suggests that 1 in 5 children are recognising their need for support with mental health. At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, we recognise the importance of educating pupils about their ability to acknowledge and how to seek support with their mental health.  

Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week will take place from Monday 3rd February to Sunday 9th February. This years theme is “Know Yourself, Grow Yourself” and is in partnership with Here4You and Disney. Children across the UK are being encouraged to discover how getting to know who they are can help them build resilience, grow and develop. During this week, and beyond, pupils will be taking part in assemblies, form time activities and discussions to support their mental health. 

If you have any questions relating to Children’s Mental Health Week, please do not hesitate to contact the school on  You can find out more on the following link  

Love attendance week

Love Attendance’ – 10-14th February

To continue to promote and reward outstanding attendance, we are running our ‘Love Attendance’ incentive between the 10th and 14th February.

Roses are red, violets are blue, we love attendance, and you should too!

If your child attends school every day on time between Monday 10th and Friday 14th February, they will receive a Valentines treat on Friday 14th. They will also be entered into a raffle where the lucky winner in each year group will receive a £20 Amazon voucher.

As you know, your child should be in school every day, but every effort should be made to ensure 100% attendance during these periods. If you have made medical or dental appointments during either of these periods, we kindly ask that you make every effort to rearrange these if possible. If not, please ensure that your child only misses the minimum amount of time and not a whole morning or afternoon.

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Pupil Support Services - Parent Guide

At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, wellbeing of all pupils is our primary focus, and our vision is to enable all pupils to maximise their potential both academically and socially. We are committed to building successful, resilient and confident individuals, providing pupils with the knowledge, skills and enriching opportunities to thrive in their chosen career path and make informed contributions to modern society.

Pupil Support Services are essential in helping students navigate the complexities of school life. They ensure that no student is left behind due to academic, emotional, or social challenges. By fostering an environment of care, inclusivity, and individualised attention, these services contribute significantly to both the immediate and long-term success of students, preparing them for life beyond school.

Parent/Carer Guide

magnifying lens teammork

Year 10 two-day 'Taste of Work' Experience

Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School are offering our Year 10 pupils the opportunity to experience the world of work on 2nd-3rd July 2025. The aim of the experience is to inspire pupils’ exploration of different careers, expand their networks and open their eyes to exciting opportunities. 

The Gatsby Foundation ‘Good Career Guidance’ Report states that good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them. Gatsby Benchmark 5 states “Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.” Year 9 pupils are being offered the opportunity to accompany a family member or close family friend/relation to their place of work. 

The launch letter was given to pupils on 23rd January 2025 in their launch assembly and this provides a comprehensive overview of what is required. If pupils are unable to secure a placement, they will be required to remain in school and take part in normal lessons.

Find out more

Multiracial group of young creative people in smart casual wear

Year 9 two-day 'Taste of Work' Experience

Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School are offering our Year 9 pupils the opportunity to experience the world of work on 2nd-3rd July 2025. The aim of the experience is to inspire pupils’ exploration of different careers, expand their networks and open their eyes to exciting opportunities. 

The Gatsby Foundation ‘Good Career Guidance’ Report states that good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them. Gatsby Benchmark 5 states “Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.” Year 9 pupils are being offered the opportunity to accompany a family member or close family friend/relation to their place of work. 

The launch letter was given to pupils on 22nd January 2025 in their launch assembly and this provides a comprehensive overview of what is required. If pupils are unable to secure a placement, they will be required to remain in school and take part in normal lessons.

Read more here


Parent information video - Attendance and Punctuality

At DEC we are serious about both attendance and punctuality and we know that parental support plays a crucial role in achieving high levels in both. With this in mind, we've created a new information video on how to help your child improve and maintain their attendance and punctuality, along with some other hints and tips. Take a look!

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