
Absence and mock exams

Working alongside parents and carers to support our pupils’ attendance is a key priority at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School. To support your child during mock exams, we ask you to promote and encourage excellent attendance and inform us of any barriers they may face so that we can work together to address them and minimise any anxiety they may experience.

We know that parents and carers sometimes worry about their children’s mental health. It is important to remember that mild anxiety, whilst a difficult emotion, is normal. In many instances, non-attendance at school only exacerbates anxiety, as pupils miss lessons and opportunities to access support.

Good attendance during the mock exams is incredibly important. Mock exams allow your child to prepare for their real exams in the summer and provide an opportunity for teachers to feed back, identify subject areas which require more focus and revision and identify areas for support.

It is important to us that all pupils feel happy and supported when attending school and we are keen to work with you to ensure your child feels this way.

We are here to discuss avenues for support. Please email with the subject - ‘For the attention of X – Head of House for X - Attendance’ if there is anything we can do to support your child.  

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Outstanding attendance linked to academic success

During the summer, we were delighted to report another set of excellent results for our Year 11 pupils, which saw a significant number of our pupils achieve fantastic grades. Our analysis has shown that:

The vast majority of pupils who missed less than 10 days of school achieved the grades in both English, Maths and the other subjects required to enable them to study the qualifications needed for the country’s best universities.

Pupils who missed less than 10 days of school were more likely tomeet the requirements for Sixth Form or Level 3 courses, rather than Level 2 (GCSE level) courses, including English and Maths re-sits.

Good attendance during the mock exams is incredibly important. Mock exams allow your child to prepare for their real exams in the summer and provide an opportunity for teachers to feed back, identify subject areas which require more focus and revision and identify areas for support. We know that parents and carers have a significant impact, and we would really appreciate your help and support in ensuring that your child comes to school every day so that they can get the best possible outcomes.  We want to work with you to achieve this – please email with the subject - ‘For the attention of X – Head of House for X - Attendance’ if there is anything we can do to support you or your child.


UK University & Apprenticeship Fair Edgbaston

Year 12 students enjoyed a fun filled day attending webinars on topics such as: student finance & budgeting; personal statement advice; higher & degree apprenticeships and what Russell Group Universities are looking for, as well as networking with exhibitors from a range of career pathways. 


Christmas Carols and Mince Pies

We'd like to invite all parents of year 8 pupils to enjoy a Christmas Carols and Mince Pies Fundraiser event in aid of 'Save the Children' at school on Monday 4th December 2023 from 9.15am to 10.10am. Your child will join you for the festivities and you'll hear our wonderful school choir sing some lovely Christmas songs. Any donations, no matter how small, will be appreciated! If you would like to register your interest for this please use the following link:


Themed Menus

We are delighted to launch our themed menus for 2023/24 off the back of our very successful new menu for the academic year. 

These special days are an opportunity to celebrate events, festivals and cultures from around the world across all of the Matrix Academy Trust schools. Not only will these provide pupils with a wide range of food experiences but will also compliment our Personal Development curriculum and Theme of the Week.

Watch this space for more updates on our menus and the wonderful food that we will be offering as part of these events.


Saltmine 'Switch Up'

On Thursday 5th October, as part of our PSHE programme, we welcomed Saltmine Trust Theatre Company to perform Switch Up for pupils in Years 8 and 9.  

Saltmine have been touring theatre in education nationally since 1980, educating the next generation on current social issues and empowering them to make wise choices.  

Switch Up is an anti-knife crime production and workshop which focuses on the complex, interrelated issues of knife crime, gang violence and self-identity. Incorporating multi-media and rap music, this powerful production aims to encourage young people to make considered and positive decisions in relation to these concerns. 

The production was both moving and thought provoking and received highly complementary reviews from staff and pupils. 

Pupils valued the workshops after the performances in which they discussed the myth that carrying a knife protects you and the fact that most people that carry a knife end up hurting a friend or themselves. Pupils left the sessions very clear that knife crime is completely avoidable and that they should 'pave their own path'. 

Our thanks go to the performers and also to our Year 8 and 9 pupils for engaging wholeheartedly with some challenging scenarios.


Double British Champion


Well done to Zachary R in year 7 who became a Double Youth British Champion in Trampolining for both individual and synchro last weekend (16th/17th Sep). He kept his calm and focus in a very competitive field and achieved a 48.25 PB in his individual. What an excellent achievement, well done Zach!


Gymnastics Success

Well done to Zach H in year 8. He placed 7th overall for his age group/grade which was an impressive show of resilience after a horrible fall at his mock competition earlier in the week. Good work Zach!


Farm Ed

Year 10 Hospitality and Catering pupils went to visit and spend a wonderful day at Farm Ed in Oxford. The farm provides fresh organic produce to the local and wider community as well working to ensure the future of British farming for many years to come. Pupils tasted fresh produce straight from the ground, explored Orchards, grazing meadows and got to see close up the honey making process.


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Year 7 pupils and parents: Join us on Tuesday 26th September 9.15 to 10.15pm for our annual Macmillan Coffee morning. It will be a great chance to meet some of the staff, donate to a fantastic charity and also eat plenty of cake!

Please register your interest here

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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