- As we have returned back to face to face teaching, we took the decision to re-introduce homework through a staggered approach to support the pupils settling back into school. By now, all pupils should be receiving and completing homework in line with the homework timetable and for all lessons. It is important that pupils take responsibility for writing their homework tasks into their planners and we ask that you check this with them on a weekly basis and sign their planner to show you have checked it and discussed the work set. Pupils complete their tasks in a homework book rather than their classwork book and they are expected to bring this to school on days when homework is due in.
- The majority of homework tasks will be self-quizzing which is proven to significantly improve the retention of information in the long-term memory through retrieval practice. There’s lots of educational research on how re-calling information from memory actually helps us to improve our memory over time. As a result, this means that pupils who regularly complete self-quizzing homework are more likely to achieve the best grades they are capable of. Self-quizzing also promotes good learning habits such as improved organisation and resilience.
- So what does self-quizzing look like? Pupils will be asked to revise a topic, expected to put their notes away, and then re-call as much as they can; writing what they can remember in their homework book. When pupils have exhausted this, they should then use their notes to add detail in a different colour. This will help them to identify what they need to pay special attention to next time they are revising. Their teachers will check that homework is complete to the correct standard on a weekly basis. Although self-quizzing will form a significant part of homework for most subjects, there will be times when a different task is set. For example, sometimes a project might be more appropriate in DT or pupils may need to answer a past exam question or research a given topic. Some subjects set homework supported by online resources such as GCSEPod or Seneca. Pupils will need to ensure that they know their log in details well in advance of the deadline for any homework being due in.
- Homework is always intended to support pupils learning and progress. We are also keen to make sure that pupils have time to relax and feel fresh and ready for the next day at school. Homework should take no more than 60-70 minutes of homework per evening.