First Aid
Each form group within the school will be given an hour’s basic First Aid session as part of their PSHE programme. This session will cover the all-important topics of: How to complete a primary survey, what an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is and what it does, how to effectively perform CPR and how to give first aid to someone who is choking. As a result of this one-hour session, all students taking part are able to take away a valuable life skill which can potentially save someone’s life and will remain a lifelong skill. The photograph shows Miss Handley demonstrating CPR to Year 7 this week.

For the first time this year, Cadets from our contingent spent the day at 8AEF, University of Birmingham Squadron, RAF Cosford getting a chance to fly the TUTOR T1 aircraft alongside a very experience pilot. All of the cadets took part in vital safety drills before being allowed to take to the skies for an experience they'll never forget! Whilst in the air, the cadets got to experience what it's like to command the aircraft by taking its controls (under supervision of course!), perform various manoeuvres whilst getting a feel for how the aircraft handles and also being able to go for a proper ride of experiencing high g-Forces by performing various manoeuvres such as loops and rolls!