We would like to share a fantastic feature that is available on Microsoft devices to support your child with reading and understanding Word, PowerPoint and PDF documents. We hope that it will further support home learning.
Word 2010 and upwards has built in text to speech. You can add the Speech button to the Quick Access Toolbar so you can easily select text to read and click the speech button.
Text to speech can be used to support learners who struggle with print-based information. This might include learners with specific learning difficulties like dyslexia, though it helps all learners.
Text to Speech can be used to improve reading accuracy and understanding. Improve your child’s concentration by switching from reading to smaller manageable chunks of spoken text.
This text to speech solution takes less than 5 minutes to install and learn to use. Once installed it will remain on the Quick Access toolbar. Just select some text and then click the button to activate. We hope that you will find the enclosed installation instructions relatively easy to follow.
Alternatively, use the following short YouTube clip to guide you through: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFznemOKQ44
We hope that this helps your child whilst using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and PDF documents.