
Attendance Raffle Winners

Improving attendance is one of our key priorities and incentives and competitions are just some of the strategies we are using to do so. For each week in a half term that our pupils attend every day, they receive an entry into a half-termly raffle. Recognising 100% attendance across a week, as well as across a whole term or academic year, allows us to reward excellent attendance whilst recognising that sometimes an absence simply cannot be avoided. 

The following pupils were the winners for Autumn 2 and won a One4All gift voucher:

Yr 7 - C'jae 

Yr 8 - Amelie 

Yr 9 - Harvey 

Yr 10 - Ezekiel 

Yr 11 - Layla 

Yr 12&13 - Syed 

We would remind parents and carers that each child enrolled at our school is expected to attend every day, on time so that they can achieve their full potential. All medical appointments should be made before or after the school day where possible. 


National Apprenticeship Week Webinar

The Early Careers team at Irwin Mitchell is hosting a webinar during National Apprenticeship Week 2024 to provide insights into the legal and non-legal apprenticeships available with us for 2024.

Date: Wednesday 7 February 2024

Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm

This event is open to students, teachers, parents, and other key influencers. We’ll discuss what an apprenticeship is and what opportunities we have, to help students decide whether an apprenticeship is right for them. We'll answer questions, provide an insight into our recruitment process, and advice that’ll set students up to succeed. At this event, you will hear directly from our apprenticeship manager, Lorcan Seery, and current apprentices about their experience at Irwin Mitchell.

We would be grateful if you could share this email with your students and colleagues. Attendees can sign up to attend here -  Apprenticeships at Irwin Mitchell

Applications for our September 2024 intake open on Monday 5th February. We have the following apprenticeships available:

  • Paralegal 
  • Solicitor 
  • Business Administration
  • Tax
  • Finance 

You can find out more about our apprenticeships here - Apprenticeships, Legal, Business & Accountancy Apprenticeship Jobs | Irwin Mitchell



STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) stands as the cornerstone of progress, innovation and problem solving in our modern world. Its importance resonates across various aspects of our lives, driving advancements that shape our future. During STEM club this past term we have focused on extending the problem-solving mindset beyond the classroom. Students have been encouraged to work collaboratively, creating bridges between science, technology, engineering and maths.

In the realm of discovery and curiosity our Science Club has soared to new heights. With each experiment, we’ve started to unravel some of the mysteries of the world, celebrating the triumph of knowledge.

Some of the experiments we have looked at this past term have included; making exploding volcanoes, scribble bots powered by a motor, looking at the best design for a parachute to safely land an egg and even making our own indicator using purple cabbage!  

Thank you to everybody that has and continues to attend as we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the wonders of science together. If you’re interested in attending STEM club then it is held in G2 on a Monday afternoon; we look forward to seeing you!


Matrix Academy Trust Talent Competition

Do you have a special talent you wish to showcase at our next big live event.  You will have the chance to perform on stage Infront of a live audience in Birmingham in a state-of-the-art theatre Millennium Point on Thursday 18th April 2024. Whether it be singing, juggling, stand-up comedy or anything in between, we want to see all your wonderful talents. Unfortunately, we cannot accept Dance entries this year due to the size of the stage. 

How to enter:

  • Have one of your performing arts teachers record your performance (or film it yourself and email to your teacher). 
  • A snippet of your performance can be submitted, please do not worry about submitting a performance in its entirety. 
  • Your teacher will be able to submit your performance video to the Matrix judging panel.
  • Finalists will have the opportunity to perform at our next big trust event and some school events this year.
  • Solo entries and group entries are welcome.
  • Submit your entry by 4pm on Friday 23rd February 2024.

Are you a budding photographer?

Our chair of trustees Sir Mark Aspinall has been invited to have his photograph taken to be placed in the Victoria Law court in Birmingham. Sir Mark has over 20 years’ experience in Law across banking, financial, media, NHS, Government and FTSE corporate sector and is currently a Judge and a Governor of a local authority Primary School.

We would like to take this opportunity to see your very best photography work and give you the opportunity to have your work hung in the law court for years to come. See below details on how to get involved with our Matrix photography competition.

Submission Criteria. You can submit up to three portrait style images, each image can be of the same or a different subject. Your images should be saved in jpeg format. Images should not be altered or edited, we want to see your original photograph. Cropping is allowed. Images should be sent with your full name, form group, school name and a short write up to explain your style of image. Submit your images to photography@matrixacademytrust.co.uk

Submission Deadline: Sunday 18th February 2024. Speak to your media/creative arts teacher for help and guidance.

What is Portrait Photography? Portrait photography is best defined as a genre of photography that involves capturing the identity, personality, facial expression, soul, emotions, essence, and the overall inherent character of a subject within a photograph.

Prize. The winning submission will be chosen by Sir Mark Aspinall and Mrs Draycott. The winner will receive £150 and the opportunity to take the commissioned image in Victoria Law Court in Birmingham. The winners photograph of Sir Mark Aspinall will be proudly hung in the court. The oldest image currently hanging in the court currently is over 180 year olds. This is a chance to take a photograph that will be seen in court for many years to come.


Team Building Day

On Tuesday 12th December, 50 students across the Matrix Schools met at Barr Beacon to find out more about their “Far From Home” Italian adventure as part of the Turing Scheme. The day consisted of meeting their staff, team building activities and learning more about where they are going. This of course would not have been complete without a “surviving Italy” language taster session from a native Italian, as well as tasting some authentic Italian dishes such as ‘Melanzane alla Parmigiana’ ‘Patate, Gorgonzola e Chorizo’ and a choice of ‘Antipasti’ to awaken their taste buds. The day was finished off by writing a Christmas card back to their pen pal in our partner school in Rome, we cannot wait to visit and meet them in person! 


Sixth Form charity event - raising money for Birmingham Mind

Just prior to the Christmas break our Head students and Sixth form council planned some interactive break time activities, to raise money for Birmingham Mind. Over the course of the week, every student from our sixth form community volunteered their time to help lead and run the events and as a result of everyone's contributions we raised £96.09 for this fantastic charity which plays a key role in supporting and influencing the wider mental health system across the city. We're extremely proud of the continued personal development of every sixth form student and their desire to make a difference to their local and wider communities. 


CCF Collaboration

This year has seen the partnership between Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School and Turves Green Boys' School grow from strength the strength, from the continual development of our cadets to the amazing collaboration between staff to ensure or cadets achieve the absolute best. This year has seen our cadets access almost all the RAF CCF can offer and have taken the absolute full advantage of all opportunities from flying days to parades to RAF engagement evenings with serving members of the RAF.

This year alone our cadets have achieved:

12 promotions from Lance Corporal all the way to Cadet Sergeant

8 Flying Qualifications

10 Leadership Awards

30 D of E Awards

30 Communication Awards

35 First Aid Qualifications

and for the first time ever, a Blue and Bronze award in Music!

Next year, we are going to continue to grow and develop as a contingent to ensure the best experience possible for our cadets both at Dame Elizabeth and Turves Green.

We would like to thank you all for your continued support with the Combined Cadet Force and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Creative Writing Competition

Last summer the English Department took part in a national creative writing competition through the Young Writers group. It was based on the theme 'Unsolved', with students having to write a 100-word short story in the style of a crime thriller. We had multiple entries across Years 7-10 that were submitted for consideration. This term, we received copies of the book for 28 students, who were chosen to be published from all submissions across the country. We're immensely proud of them and thought you would be too!


Mince Pies and Christmas Carols - Year 8 Parents and Pupils

On Monday 4th December we hosted our annual Mince Pies and Carols event in aid of 'Save the Children'. Parents and pupils in year 8 enjoyed a cup of tea, a mince pie and a showcase of talent from our choir and other musicians. Thank you to all the year 8 parents that attended; your donations will have made a difference!

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Copyright 2024 © All Rights Reserved
