
Rewards Trip - England Vs Malta

Last Friday we took 40 of our most deserving pupils to see the England football team play Malta at Wembley. The trip was free of charge and rewarded our pupils with the best attendance, punctuality and positive behaviour. Everyone had a great time! 


Road Safety Week

This week is Road Safety Week. 'Let’s talk about speed’ is Brake’s Road Safety Week 2023 theme. The 2023 campaign will start the conversation about why speeding is thought of as acceptable in some situations, what happens when we speed and why reducing speed saves lives. Five people die on roads every day, so why do we still think it’s OK to speed? At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury, we will be reminding our pupils about how we can all use roads safely to protect ourselves and each other. 

Road Safety Week


International Day of Tolerance

International Day of Tolerance is observed annually on 16 November with the primary aim of promoting mutual understanding and respect among all the diverse cultures and communities across the globe. At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury, our Theme of the Week this week is Celebrating Diversity, and our assemblies will focus on tolerance and will link to our Fundamental British Values and our DEC value of Respect. Pupils will learn about the history of International Day of Tolerance and its establishment by the United Nations. 


Supportive home visits improve attendance

Since the start of this year, our Attendance Officer has completed 126 home visits to support pupils and families with absences from school, in most cases resulting in improved attendance. It is important to us that all children feel safe and supported when attending school and we are keen to work with you to ensure that your child feels this way.

Unfortunately, the local authority has already issued 20 Fixed Penalty Notices for avoidable school absence this academic year. We would remind parents and carers that we do not authorise any term time holidays and would ask you to familiarise yourself with the attendance & punctuality guidance for parents and carers available via our website.

Please email enquiry@decschool.co.uk with the subject - ‘For the attention of Head of House for X - Attendance’ if there is anything we can do to support you or your child.


Anti-Bullying Week

13th-17th November is national anti-bullying week. The theme for this years anti-bullying week is "make a Noise about bullying" more details on this can be found at the following link.  https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/anti-bullying-week-2023-make-noise-about-bullying/anti-bullying-week-2023-make-noise-about-bullying.

During this week pupils at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury will have the opportunity to take part in different activities, including a poetry competition, odd socks day on Friday 17th, assemblies, PSHE sessions as well as a poster competitions. These activities will be advertised by our Antibullying Ambassadors in school, with key reminders on how bullying can be reported.

Get involved and Make a noise about bullying.

Respect - Treat each other as we want to be treated.

Aspire - to be kind and make the right choices.

Believe – In yourself and in others

Commit – To reporting anything you see that is unkind.

What is happening?

• Poster competition

• PSHE topic on antibullying

• Assemblies

• ABA key messages

• Antibullying Poetry competition

As always if you are experiencing bullying please reach out and tell someone.

Ways to report:

•Tell a member of staff

•Tell an ABA

•Tell your HOH

•Complete a referral form found in the PA office or reception.


International Stress Awareness Week

To coincide with International Stress Awareness Week (30 October – 3 November) last week, we have shared with staff and pupils the following top tips to combat stress. In April, we will recognise Stress Awareness Month with whole school events and further signposting to support. More information on managing stress can be found at Every Mind Matters - NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/ 


Free activities for families at Cotteridge Park

The Friends of Cotteridge Park work to ensure that the park is at the heart of the community. They're volunteers that look after the park, organise events and activities and bring the community together (https://cotteridgepark.org.uk/focp). All activities are FREE (https://cotteridgepark.org.uk/activities

The Friends of Cotteridge Park (FOCP) was set up in 1997 after the park was threatened with the loss of services including our on-site park keeper. Local residents mounted a successful campaign, and the park was saved. Since then, park users have been working tirelessly to improve the park’s infrastructure and to provide services and activities that meet the needs of the local community. 

Volunteers do all sorts of things:

• regular litter picks 

• planting and maintenance of trees and plants

• supporting school and youth group visits

• providing opportunities for physical activity – to keep us all healthier & happier

• arranging social activities 

• raising funding for the park from trusts, grants & local businesses

• campaigning to ensure that our park is safe for future generations


Green Careers week 6th Nov -11th Nov 2023

We are celebrating Green Careers Week this week at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury. Around 60% of young people are ‘worried’ about climate change so we want to highlight the amazing career pathways they can follow to improve the future climate. See greencareersweek.com for information #GCW2023! Also we have a parents guide with more information here: GCW 2023


National School and College Leavers Festival at the NEC 

On 7th November we took all our year 11, 12 and 13 pupils to the NEC for the NSCL Fest. This event showcased all opportunities including Apprenticeships, Further and Higher Education, entry level roles, and general employment. The event offered pupils the chance to engage with England’s top Employers, Colleges, Universities and Training Providers in a face-to-face, interactive environment. Our pupils had great fun learning how to pull pints (cold tea of course) in the hospitality section, climbing walls with the Army and taking part in virtual reality sessions.


Don't Ghost Us

To continue to promote and reward outstanding attendance, we are running an attendance incentive this week! If pupils attend every day in this final week of term (23-27th October) and 'don't ghost us', they will receive a treat on Friday 27th October. We also want to celebrate progress and therefore, pupils with the most improved attendance this half term and 100% attendance in the final week will be invited to visit our hot chocolate pop up bar on Friday 27th October. 
Our current attendance is 92.5% and we have further incentives and rewards planned for the remainder of the academic year. 

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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