
Pupil Pledge

At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury we understand the importance of ensuring that our students leave us as well-rounded young people with the qualifications, skills, knowledge and aspirations to go on to succeed in the pathway they choose in their life after school. Through the Pupil Pledge, we make a firm commitment to provide opportunities for our students to be exposed to a holistic educational experience during their time with us.

The Pupil Pledge is an exciting new concept which will complement our existing innovative and challenging curriculum. It will provide pupils with a ‘bucket list’ of activities to complete before they leave our school. The activities and experiences have been carefully selected in consultation with pupils, parents and staff, and we believe they will equip pupils with the softer life skills in preparation for adulthood.

How does it work?

Every pupil has a different menu of Pledge items to complete, appropriate to their age and year group. Throughout the school year, your child will work to complete each item until they have completed every item on their Pledge. For each completed item your child shows their Pledge Passport with a note of confirmation from a responsible adult (i.e. a club leader or any adult involved in the completion of the item) and a photo of themselves completing the Pledge item. For students who complete a minimum of 90% of their Pledge items there will be a graduation ceremony and celebration event at the end of the year, but the real reward, of course, will be that students have taken part in many enriching events, gained in confidence and ability and will become involved in supportive communities in the process. 

Launch Week


Return to School 2020

Happy New Year

We hope all pupils and families have had a restful Christmas break

Please use the following links below to find all information relating to DEC standards and expectations.

Pupils return for the start of spring term 1 on Tuesday 7th January

As always, pupils need to arrive no later than 08:30am


Year 8 - German Market Visit

Bratwurst and Knoblauchbrot?

On Tuesday 10th December 2019 a mini-bus load full of students from year 8 set off together with Ms Stait, Ms Tooley, Ms Norton and Ms Butler to explore the German Christmas Market in Birmingham City Centre. Once at the market we split up into groups of four to complete a trail around the market. The task was to find out what the German signs on the stalls all over the market meant in English. Do you know what Bratkartoffeln, Zwiebeln or Kastanien are? So, we hunted down to find out by using our knowledge of German and English but also by speaking to the stall holders themselves. The best team were promised a prize but as everyone on the trip did so well, everyone got a “Schokokuss” in the end. If you don’t know what that is, maybe go to the German market and find out! We learnt that Birmingham’s German Market is also called Frankfurt Christmas Market because it was originally brought to the city from Frankfurt/Main in 1997 as this is Birmingham’s twin city in Germany. It is the largest Christmas Market outside of Germany and Austria counting around 5.5 Million visitors every year. We got to see some of the decorations and crafts on offer and to try some of the different food which was delicious!

Frohe Weihnachten = Merry Christmas!


SEND Newsletter - November 2019

Welcome to the latest SEND newsletter. There is lots of information in regard to external support for both young people and parents/carers. Please take time to read the information within this newsletter as we would encourage you to attend the various events.

If there is any information you would like to see in future newsletters please let us know. All suggestions welcome. If you require further information please don’t hesitate to contact the inclusion team.


Potentially Dangerous App - Unico

West Midlands Police has been made aware of an App called “UNICO LIVE”.  The app is publicised as age-restricted 12+ and designed for young people to upload videos of them performing, singing and dancing etc. It has come to our attention that there is inappropriate content on the platform involving young people which is being investigated.

The content does not appear to be monitored and we urge you to raise awareness widely to increase vigilance and reduce the likelihood of any child being sexually exploited.

Please discuss at the earliest opportunity with your family.


Science Equipment Experiments

In Science lessons, we aim to engage pupils actively with applications of the curriculum in the wider world. However, pupils rarely get to use some common equipment including an infra-red spectrometer or NMR machine in lessons due to the expense (above £50,000). However we were lucky enough for Dr Peter Hoare from the University of Newcastle to visit Dame Elizabeth Cadbury with this equipment and pupils in Y10 (30 pupils), Y11 (20 pupils), Y12 and Y13 (Chemistry A-level pupils) had the opportunity to use it.

Pupils got:

  • a chance to engage with fundamental techniques of analytical chemistry
  • hands-on demonstration of UV-visible, infrared and NMR spectroscopy
  • insights into research and industrial applications of these techniques
  • opportunities to hear about further study in chemistry-related career options

Dr Peter Hoare began by introducing your students to the principles of spectroscopy. They then moved from theory to practice by revealing fascinating, real-life applications – giving students a go at using IR and UV/vis instruments and (in some regions) NMR devices for themselves.

The interactive style of the workshop helped many students imagine what a career in chemistry might actually look like for them. We used this opportunity to encourage further study by showing them the range of important, inspiring and unusual occupational options a qualification in chemistry could lead to.

“It was fascinating to see and use the IR-spec. I hope I can use one when I attend Uni” A. Alammar Y12 A-level Chemistry pupil.


SEND Newsletter - October 2019

We are happy to launch our very first SEND Newsletter in what has been a very busy, yet constructive, start to the new term.

We are very pleased to welcome Ms Field, who has already made a positive impression, to the Inclusion Team following the retirement of Mrs Loudon at the end of the Summer Term.

Please take time to read through our SEND Newsletter below and check back soon for our next edition.

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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