On Monday 5th February we start our Valentines themed attendance incentive – 'Love Attendance' week. During the week we have issued the challenge to all pupils to achieve 100% attendance by attending school, arriving on time, every day.
Recently the Department for Education released the staggering statistic that on average the last week of a half term reduces in attendance by 15%. This is a large portion of the academic year totalling 30 days, equating to 150 lessons. With courses and curriculum content and skill heavy, it is important that pupils understand why attendance matters across the year. Therefore, we encourage our pupils with our incentives and promote the importance of excellent attendance at every point of the year.
As you will be aware, the best way for your child to maximise the opportunities available at school is for them to be present each and every day. By being in school they are exposed to our enriched curriculum that ensures each and every pupil makes progress and prepares them for a successful future.
The incentive will begin on Monday 5th February. This will culminate on the final Friday where those with 100% attendance will receive a Valentines treat and a lucky raffle winner in each year group will receive a pancake stake with toppings of their choice at lunch.