
Safeguarding & Online Safety Update

I hope you are all well and managing as best as possible during these unprecedented times.

All DECS staff are carrying out their safeguarding duties daily and with this in mind I wanted to bring your attention again to Online Safety and the checking of your son/daughters phone, IT equipment and social media accounts. This is now more important than ever as so many young people may be spending additional time within the online world. As you are aware this itself can lead to additional risk. Sadly we are aware of at least one DECs pupil who has been targeted online by a person who is dangerous to young people.

Here at DECS our pupils and staff have worked alongside a charity called the Breck Foundation. They have created in my opinion, a fantastic resource that was made in conjunction with the police. The video link below is something you as parents can watch and then maybe spark conversation with your children if you feel that’s appropriate. It’s a true story, hard hitting and if shown in a cinema would carry a 15 certificate and a great resource to help initiate conversation around online safety, gaming concerns, screen time concerns and social media activity.

I have also attached some information and resources HERE regarding parent and family wellbeing which I feel are of use currently. If you wish to discuss any concerns regarding online safety please contact me on c.walton@decschool.co.uk

Stay safe and kind regards,

Mr C Walton

Assistant Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead


Home Learning Newsletter

We hope everyone is safe and well, coping with the lockdown measures during what are unchartered waters for us all.

As we start the Summer Term, albeit very different to usual, we would like to recognise the efforts and achievements of our pupils. We hope the below information in our Home Learning Newsletter is of use.

A Guide to Home Learning

from Matrix Academy Trust


VE Day 75

We may not be able to celebrate how we had planned but Dame Elizabeth Cadbury will be celebrating 75 years of VE day.

Please join us and send in pictures to enquiry@decschool.co.uk on how you celebrated VE day.

You can view our informative powerpoint for VE Day HERE.

http://c.files.bbci.co.uk/6895/production/_106837762_1.jpgWhat is VE Day? - CBBC Newsround
By the beginning of 1945, the German army had been weakened and defeat looked likely. Tuesday 8 May, 1945, was an emotional day that millions of people had been waiting for.




SEND Newsletter April 2020

At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, we are lucky to work with a wealth of professionals who have sent through lots of useful links to share with you during your time away from school.

In addition, I have scoured the internet and found a variety of websites, which should supplement what the individual faculties are directly supplying.

The list can be found HERE and is a collection that I hope will offer free resources for our pupils to use. Many will be time-limited so please take advantage of their generosity now.

Also, please continue to look on the school website for other support and advice.

I hope that you find something here that you can use during these unprecedented times.

Keep safe and well.

Screenshot 2020-03-20 at 11.16.34

Closure Information

 As a result of the decision made by HM Government to close schools, I write here to outline important information which you need to read and respond to if appropriate. Click the link below to read a letter regarding your child's year group.

School will be closed to almost all pupils from Monday 23rd March 2020. 


Coronavirus Update

You will be very much aware of the current escalating situation nationally and internationally in relation to Coronavirus.

Some pupils and parents have asked questions around how DEC may or may not be affected by the current situation – I write here to provide a brief overview and some reassurance.

We receive daily updates from The Department for Education advising us of new information and any action we may need to take. So far, the direction given to all schools matches everything that we have all seen on the news. Regular washing of hands for more than 20 seconds with soap and water remains the most effective action we can all take to prevent the spread of the virus.

Pupils have been reminded of this advice - multiple notices are placed around school and on big screens to continually prompt everyone to wash their hands. In addition, we are ensuring that cleaning remains thorough in school every day.

So far, there have been no cases of Coronavirus within or connected to school.

In the event of a change to our situation, we will notify parents straight away and act according to the advice given to us by Public Health England and The Department for Education.

As things currently stand, it is business as usual for all pupils.

Thank you for your continued support.


SEND Newsletter February 2020

Welcome to the latest SEND Newsletter, aimed at keeping parents and carers informed and updated on all things associated with supporting those with additional needs. I believe that working in partnership with families will produce positive educational and social outcomes for your child as this directly links to supporting learning and development. It was therefore very pleasing to meet with so many of you at the recent SEND Coffee Morning.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at school should you have any suggestions about future agenda items.


World Book Day 2020

On Thursday 5th March pupils are invited to join us in fancy dress in aid of this year's World Book Day. 20 points will be awarded for any pupils dressed as their favourite literacy character.

If your child does not wish to partake, they must wear school uniform.

Book Swap

This year we will also be running 'Book Swap'. In order to get involved in this exciting opportunity, all you have to do is bring a book from home and pass it to Room 13 by Monday 2nd March. The book needs to be appropriate for Year 7, 8 or 9 readers; no graffiti, no missing pages and no broken or ruined covers.

Book Swap will take place on Friday 6th March from 3:05pm in Room 13. You can come and collect a book providing you bought one in previously.


Stranger Danger Reminder

Incident - Monday, 3rd Feb at 3:30pm.

Location – Back of Colmers School, connecting Colmers School with Hollywood Bowl.

On  Monday 3rd Feb, an unknown adult male was riding past several pupils from Colmers School and saw a group of teenagers who were pupils from other schools. The male jumped off his bike and produced a long-bladed and serrated knife from his coat. The group of 14-15 year olds ran and the cyclist chased two of them back up the lanes. Pupils who witnessed this were understandably shaken. We have contacted the police, who were already aware of the incident and are investigating. The assailant remains unknown but is described as having a deep voice, tall, Caucasian, wearing a long, black coat with the hood up, possibly in tracksuit leggings. Please discuss vigilance on the way home and stranger danger with your child, please see some guidance below.


The police have asked us to share stranger danger advice with you to help keep you safe when you are out and about and travelling to and from school.


Here are some simple steps you can take to make sure you stay safe on the street.

  • Never go off on your own with a stranger, take things from them or get in a car with them.
  • Make sure you tell your parents where you are
  • If someone scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable go somewhere safe, which could be your home, your school or a police station.
  • Remember to tell someone what has happened straight away
  • If you have Snapchat check the settings on the new location sharing feature, Snap Maps , including details about how to change your settings and tips for staying safe.


The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is the only children’s charity which can safeguard children. Visit their website for more information - https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/staying-safe-away-from-home/


Coronavirus Advice

Advice for all early years providers, schools and further education providers.

The government is closely monitoring the spread of the Coronavirus and is taking action at home and abroad.

The overall risk of Coronavirus to the UK remains moderate. However, we understand that people may be concerned where there are children, students or staff returning from or visiting China.

Public Health England and the Foreign Office have issued advice for anyone travelling to the area. This can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/china

Advice for parents/guardians

You should not be unduly worried about the possibility of your children catching the Coronavirus.

There is no reason why your children should not continue to attend their early years, school or further education setting as normal.

We recognise that some families or children may be planning to travel to China during the forthcoming half-term period. If so, please refer to the FCO’s latest travel advice via the link above.

What action you can take?

A UK wide campaign has been launched to provide clear advice on how to slow the spread of Coronavirus.

Please help to support the campaign which promotes basic hygiene practices, such as regularly washing hands and always sneezing into a tissue, to stem the spread of viruses.

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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