
Subject Spotlight: Textiles

Year 10 Textiles have been exploring different design techniques including making full scale newspaper garments, small scale Harumika designs and using paper collage.

The aim of this unit of work is to enable pupils to find the best way of designing for them and this doesn’t just mean sketching. This will allow pupils to design in their favourite way during their coursework in year 11.

Some amazing creative work produced by our amazing pupils!


Subject Spotlight: PE

Congratulations to our Year 9 boys football team on their victory against Wheelers Lane Secondary School. Our students demonstrated resilience and tenacity to win the game in the last-minute despite being 2-0 down at half time.

Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School 3-2 Wheelers Lane Secondary School.

Commiserations to our Year 8 boys football team who were knocked out of the Birmingham Cup, losing to Arden Academy in Solihull. The team went 1-0 up early on, but despite their best efforts, they eventually lost the game 1-5.


12 Days of Christmas Attendance Incentive

At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, excellent attendance for all pupils is one of our top priorities.  We are keen to encourage all pupils to take advantage of every teaching and learning opportunity available to them at school and in order for that to happen it is important they are here. To continue to promote and reward outstanding attendance, we are running a festive attendance incentive in December.

12 Days of Christmas

Between the 4th and 19th of December, pupils in Years 7-13 who attend every day will have the chance to win some fantastic daily prizes. The daily winners will be drawn at random from all the pupils in attendance that day with a prize per year group. (Please note, to be eligible for the grand prize on the 19th of December, pupils must have attended each day between 16-19th December.) If you have made medical or dental appointments during this period, we kindly ask that you make every effort to rearrange these if possible. If not, please ensure that your child only misses the minimum amount of time and not a whole morning or afternoon. We appreciate your continuing support in helping your child achieve excellent attendance.  


STEAMhouse Birmingham

Year 8 girls took part in AI activities and events at STEAMhouse Birmingham today, getting a first hand look at technology and careers of the future. CyberFirst invited ten of our Year 8 girls to the Mini MEGA event, a dynamic, hands-on experience dedicated to sparking interest in technology and showcasing potential STEM career paths. 

Mini MEGA offered our students a unique opportunity to:

  • Explore cutting-edge innovations in technology, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, coding, and robotics.
  • Engage with leading tech companies and learn about career paths in the tech world.
  • Get inspired by talks from influential female leaders within STEM fields.

Year 10 Prefect Launch

On Wednesday we launched the Year 10 Prefect application process. 

Our Year 10 pupils are invited to complete a rigorous application process consisting of a written application and interviews with a Head of House, Faculty Leader, or member of the Senior Leadership team. 

Once selected, all prefects will receive Level 1 safeguarding and leadership and team building training. 

Once trained, they will provide valued support to staff and their peers during line-ups, assemblies and at break and lunch and at school events such as Year 6 Transition, Open Evening and Parents' Evenings. 

We are looking for positive role models and leaders who consistently Strive for Excellence and routinely demonstrate our DEC STRIVE Values.


PSHE: Loudmouth - Year 9 - 'Calling it Out' Performance

On 21st November year 9 took part in a 'Calling it out' session with Loudmouth theatre company. The aim of the session was to raise young people’s awareness of harmful sexual behaviours. 'Calling It Out' reinforces to students the vital message of non-tolerance of harmful sexual behaviour. The performance and discussion-based workshop explore where these behaviours are coming from and alternative positive behaviours. The programme raises the groups’ awareness of the huge impacts these everyday incidences of sexual harassment and assault can have on young people and how we all have a role in safely challenging and reporting these behaviours.


Christmas Appeal

18th Nov - 13th Dec

To support those families who are struggling financially this year, we would like to put together Christmas packages. We are looking for donations of food and other items from the list below*. Your support would be massively appreciated . Any donations can be brought to Ms Morris' office before Friday 13th of December. 



On Wednesday 20th November, Year 8 took part in a powerful all day workshop with our colleagues from Humanutopia titled 'Who am I?". The day covered vital topics for our pupils such as identifying their own barriers to success, seeing themselves in a totally different light and overcoming the barriers and then a consideration of what their future may look like, including what changes they need to make.

The day was split into 3 separate sessions:

Session 1 was the Comfort Zone in which the students reflected on their past helping them reflect on how they became the person they are. This session was a roller coaster as students were roaring with laughter one minute and deep in reflection the next minute.

Session 2 was the Stretch Zone where the students considered how the present could be so different if each person behaved differently. Our pupils found it highly engaging as they interacted with others outside their normal friendship group.

Session 3 was the Panic Zone during which our pupils imagined who they could be in the future, discussing dreams, hopes, goals and ambitions. The day was concluded when every student identified and committed to making three positive changes to improve their future.

To find out more about the providers please visit https://www.humanutopia.com/.


In to Win

At Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, excellent attendance for all pupils is one of our top priorities.  We are keen to encourage all pupils to take advantage of every teaching and learning opportunity available to them at school and in order for that to happen it is important they are here. To continue to promote and reward outstanding attendance, we are running an attendance incentive in November.

In to Win 

Between the 25th and 29th of November, pupils in Years 7-11 who attend every day will have the chance to win an Amazon voucher on Friday 29th of November - just in time for Black Friday. The winners will be drawn at random from all those with 100% attendance for the week. There will be four vouchers available to win per year group.


Careers: Year 11 next steps 'taster day'

On Thursday 14th November, a group of year 11 pupils were given the opportunity to visit South & City College, Longbridge campus. Pupils got to participate in hands on experiences in subjects such as electrical installation, automotive, mechanical engineering and sports. Pupils were impeccably behaved and feedback from them showed that they found the experience really valuable.

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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