
Matrix Academy Trust Talent Competition

Do you have a special talent you wish to showcase at our next big live event.

You will have the chance to perform on stage in front of a live audience in Birmingham at Millennium Point in their state-of-the-art theatre on Thursday 20th April 2022.  Whether it be singing, dancing, juggling, stand-up comedy or anything and everything in between, we want to see all your wonderful talents.

How to enter:

  • Have one of your performing arts teachers record your performance (or film it yourself and email to your teacher). 
  • A snippet of your performance can be submitted, please do not worry about submitting a performance in its entirety. 
  • Your teacher will be able to submit your performance video to the Matrix judging panel.
  • Finalists will have the opportunity to perform at our next big trust event and some school events this year. 
  • Solo entries and group entries are welcome. 
  • Submit your entry by 4pm on Wednesday 15th March.  


Once in a lifetime?

Students from four Matrix schools visited Tokyo to learn about Japanese culture - and themselves

As a travel destination, Japan remains impossibly out of reach in many people’s minds, despite us here - in the UK - being surrounded by Japanese culture. You can find sushi in your local supermarket; you can watch anime on Netflix; you can find t-shirts featuring famous prints by the artist Hokusai in high street clothing stores like New Look and Primark. Many of the most well known international brands are Japanese in origin: Sony, Toyota, Panasonic, Casio, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nintendo.

And yet, only around 300,000 people from the UK visit Japan each year. This may sound like a lot, but compare this with the 4,300,000 annual UK visitors to Spain.

Whenever we asked teenagers across our schools which country they have most wanted to visit, most had picked Japan. When we asked them why, they listed some of their favourite cultural artefacts: books, films, games. Some cited Japanese history; a fascination with samurai or geisha. But when pushed to think about their answers (as teachers, we never just settle for the first thing that comes to mind!) some of our young people have also talked about imagining it to feel different to what they are used to.

Read more: https://matrixacademytrust.co.uk/japan/


DEC Earthquake Appeal

Between 14-17th February, pupils and staff raised money via a collection for the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Turkey-Syria earthquake appeal. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we raised a total of £424.02. Donations from the UK public are allowing DEC charities to scale up their humanitarian response, deliver lifesaving aid and support survivors both now and in the weeks and months ahead: 

£10 could provide blankets to keep two people warm. 

£25 could provide emergency food for a family for ten days.  

£50 could provide emergency shelter for two families. 

A special mention must go to R Alawad in Year 7 who personally donated £113.04.  

If you would like to donate directly to the appeal, you can do so here: https://www.dec.org.uk/appeal/turkey-syria-earthquake-appeal 


National Girls & Women in Sports Day - 1 Feb 2023

To celebrate National Girls & Women in Sports Day (1 Feb 2023), we interviewed three of our female athletes, Mia (Year 11), Maya (Year 10) and Heidi (Year 9). The girls are fantastic role models for any aspiring athletes and had some great advice for other young people who want to get more involved in sports. National Girls & Women in Sports Day honours the influence that sports have on the lives of women. This includes living a healthy and active lifestyle, building self-confidence, helping learn how to work as part of a team and offering opportunities to develop leadership skills.


National Apprenticeship Week 2023 

The 16th annual National Apprenticeship Week will take place from 6th to 12th February 2023. 

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) 2023 aims to shine a light on the amazing work being done by apprentices, employers, and their training providers across the country. 

The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2023 is ‘Skills for Life’.  

The annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships, taking place across England, will reflect on how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and businesses to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with future-ready skills.  

Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School will be focussing on upskilling our pupils about apprenticeships through various form time and lesson activities. For more information about national events happening during the week, please visit (naw.appawards.co.uk). 

You can also keep up to date with the latest National Apprenticeship Week news by following social media channels: @Apprenticeships and @AmazingAppsUK on Twitter and Apprenticeships Gov on LinkedIn. 

To find out more about NAW 2023, please visit: 



Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 7th February 2023

Safer Internet Day is held every February in over 170 different countries. The goal of Safer Internet Day is to call on people across the world to work together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, but especially for young people. In the UK, the UK Safer Internet Centre run a campaign especially for the day which aims to start a national conversation about using technology safely and positively. 

Last year over half of children and young people in the UK heard about the campaign, but it also involves and influences government, charities, police forces and tech companies including social media and gaming platforms. 

This Safer Internet Day asks everyone to make space for conversations about life online, especially with young people.  

That’s why this year, the theme for Safer Internet Day is: 

Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online 

To help raise further awareness of the importance of keeping safe online, pupils in all year groups have written their own pledges about how they will keep safe online.    

So, this Safer Internet Day we are challenging everyone to talk about it. 

Talk to your friends. Talk to the adults you know and trust. 

Most importantly, tell them if something is worrying you. It’s never too late to share an online problem and get help and support that can make things better. 

Happy Safer Internet Day everyone!


Time to Talk

On Thursday 2 February, pupils and staff came together for a Time to Talk event with pastries and hot chocolate in the canteen after school. Run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. Every year, one in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem. Talking helps to create supportive communities which can empower us to seek help when we need it. By opening up the conversation about mental health, we can support both ourselves and others. The event gave pupils and staff an opportunity to unwind and talk over mindful colouring sheets and chess. It was great to see Year 11 pupils sharing tips to support their wellbeing during the upcoming exam period. We are looking forward to celebrating more events next week for Children's Mental Health Week. 


Loudmouth Calling It Out

On Monday 23 January, Loudmouth delivered an engaging performance of Calling It Out to our Year 9, 10 and 11 pupils. The Calling It Out programme supports our work as a school to create a culture where sexual harassment and sexual abuse are not tolerated. The performance explored where these harmful sexual behaviours are coming from and alternative, positive behaviours. It raised awareness of the huge impact these everyday incidences of sexual harassment and assault can have on young people and how we all have a role in safely challenging and reporting these behaviours. The pupils asked some interesting and important questions between the performances and the actors were able to address any misconceptions and signpost pupils to the relevant support services. The actors were brilliant and extremely knowledgeable about the issues being addressed. Feedback from the staff and pupils was very positive and emphasised that pupils enjoy and benefit from visits from external organisations. A very positive addition to the PSHRSE curriculum! 


Loudmouth Theatre

On Monday 16 January, Loudmouth delivered a brilliant performance of Working for Marcus to our Year 11 pupils. The programme teaches about a wide range of child exploitation issues including child sexual exploitation and exploitation into crime (county lines and knife crime). Pupils had the opportunity to ask questions between the performances and discuss the key themes and the actors signposted pupils to relevant support services, which was really valuable. The actors were excellent, not only in their performances, but in their ability to relate to the pupils. Overall, the performances were engaging and thought provoking and the feedback from the staff and pupils was very positive. 


Brew Monday

On Monday 16 January, pupils and staff came together for a Brew Monday event with biscuits and hot chocolate in the canteen after school. The third Monday in January is sometimes referred to as 'Blue Monday - 'the most difficult day of the year’ but Samaritans say this is a myth - we all have our good days and our bad days, and those aren’t for the calendar to decide. The event provided an opportunity to connect with peers and colleagues and have a chat (and a game of Uno). We look forward to celebrating more events with a focus on mental health later this year. 

Contact Info

Woodbrooke Road, Birmingham,

West Midlands B30 1UL

Contact Number: 0121 464 4040


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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